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Snake Eyes Snake Eyes is offline
Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 04-11-2011, 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Nah, you can tell girls you like them. It doesn't not "work", whatever that means in this context. How it looks if she says no shouldn't matter either.


In this context, telling girls in your social group you fancy them. I meant she likes/fancies you back by "works". The instances I've heard of guys telling girls they like them doesn't usually seem to acheieve this, but just makes it weird/awkward as girl doesn't feel same. Really guys should just chill and if sexual chemistry is there act on it. However, a lot of guys seem to think hot girl + friend = girlfriend and then tell them they 'like' them when all they have is friendship.

You're right how it looks should not matter, but fact is to a lot of guys it does - especially if it affects how the girl or other people in social group view you. Would be interested to hear what advice you'd give to someone who is in this position and can't help but feel awkward/embarrassed because of a situation like this?
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