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Phil Phil is offline
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Default 18-10-2011, 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post

In my intellectual pursuits I have read enough literature to know the history of some English words. The term intellectual first gained usage in England to replace "Man of letters", meaning a literate man.

"In the late eighteenth century, when literacy was relatively common in European countries, such as the United Kingdom, the ‘man of letters’ denotation broadened, to mean ‘specialised’; a man who earned his living writing intellectually, not creatively, about literature — the essayist, the journalist, the critic, et al. In the twentieth century, such an approach was gradually superseded by the academic method, and ‘man of letters’ fell into disuse, replaced by the generic ‘intellectual’, a term comprehending intellectual men and women." (Wikipedia)

Intellectuals are literate.
but wer not from THEM DAYS, we are here & now

and i hate doin this but.

in·tel·lec·tu·al (ntl-kch-l)
a. Of or relating to the intellect.
b. Rational rather than emotional. (nothing to do with grammar or spelling)

2. Appealing to or engaging the intellect:

an intellectual book; (this clearly isnt referencing a book with good spelling)

an intellectual problem. (again, not directly aimed at english)

a. Having or showing intellect, especially to a high degree. See Synonyms at intelligent.
b. Given to activities or pursuits that require exercise of the intellect.

i am lazy with english, i would however consider myself intellectual. In situations i am good at solving problems.

i have enough about me to hold a good argument/ discussion based on my own specific views on a myriad of lifes great questions

while ur origins of a word may be right, things change... this has had to as common men wer not allowed to be thought as INTELLECTUAL. it was the right of the rich man to hold this whip over the needy because they could read.

reading is now common enough for people to change shit. So much so your reference may have once been the dictionary term.

it isnt any more

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