Thread: bored of women
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Default 17-10-2011, 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by Phil View Post
they are even worse outside, i know some proper tidy bird... from london, fingered her, i nearly spewed wen i pulled my fingers out

OMG who are these girls...

this is a girl who is a self proclaimed intellectual, uni grad! feminist, owns a few properties
I do think there is a different style of girl in liverpool
I think the intellectual prude, my career is more important than all types are usually shit in bed because they dont list sex as a priority in their lives
--obviously thats a huge generalisation as they are not all like that

its irrelevent were they are from--- for example i dated a girl in liverpool ages ago, she had a PHD, was really tidy, size 6 blonde -- i get down to her fanny and its the hairiest thing ive ever witnessed!-- i was totally disgusted!
she obviously didnt take sex 'seriously'

but the girl im seeing now - half italian and half ethiopean (yep she doesnt each much) size zero! -- shes a Dr but is a dirty fucker-- she goes down on me, spits all over my cock, gobbles it like its the only cock on earth
shes also bisexual -- she actually acts like she is in a porn when we fuck

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