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Default 19-09-2011, 10:01 AM

Replys in bold below:

Originally Posted by daleinthedark View Post
Note-taking - Take notes in class then write them up within 24hrs. That way you still have it fresh in your memory and it helps commital to long-term memory by re-writing it.
This is something I need to work on.. I didn't write them up, and it is also more annyoing because I took notes but then he gave us the slides anyway! I need to take more informative notes..
Background read before you go in - You'll have an idea of what they'll be covering so you wion't struggle to keep up. Any decent college should have an online portal/VLE of some kind that should have subject specific resources such as ebooks and journals that you can search through chapters. it's well worth playing around for an hour or 2 at the start of the year, discovering how it works because it will be a godsend down the road.
They do have an online VLE with jorunals (need to figure out how to get access with password though), They're pretty clear what we'll be covering from week to week so that's helpful..
Dissertations/MIAs - they should have previous years copies for perusal in a library - ask your lecturer or it might be on their VLE/portal. Have a read of previous year so you can get an idea for laying them out and what kind of content you should include. Start planning in your head now about the specific study of your paper so that you can research around it. Furthermore make it something you are passionate about as it will help spur you on!
I think the teacher said he will be putting some past stuff on the VLE which he has never done before but he thinks it will help..
Also, As for dissertations, we’re tasked to come up with some dissertation ideas for Tuesday night’s lesson.. I’ve been thinking all week and I have no fucking idea!!! I don’t even know what a dissertation would consist of, especially in this degree course.. I literally have no clue. Some of my possible interests are tech things like ISPs, software development, perhaps manufacturing such as phones, games consoles stuff like that, also the food industry interests me a bit.. I guess this is a common one.. researching restaurants.. heard people have covered this before..

Time management - make sure you start your assignements the day you get them, even if its the into, then work on completing a bit more everyday.
Aim to get them there 24hrs early to allow for fuck -ups printing because most places won't accept if your 1 minute late.
You should be given an assessment& assignement schedule - transfer this to a callendar/planner on the wall - it's visual and you can plan out when you can start and when you should finsih them to allow time for the next assignment.
Yeah I didn't start my assignment until last night. It's due in next Tuesday.. personal development plan and 1500 word essay explaining it. I need to do the visual thing..

Oh and buy the main course textbook for the year - there's nothing worse than paying late fines or fightin with some chode in the library over a book!
Not sure there is a "main course textbook", I did vaguely browse the library but I will look more tomorrow before class(i will arrive early anyway)
Originally Posted by Flipper View Post
Alpha - I did a Masters in management and marketing a few years ago, so here goes...

You'll probably have a number of different modules on your course so, as Dale points out, buy the main text books for them (shouldn't be more than a few you need to buy and you can get used ones for quite cheap on Amazon - also, if you want to cut costs further go back an edition as there's generally not much that gets changed with these. Use journal articles to rely on for up to date research and use books for historical methods etc [when writing your papers]).

Always look at the research and resources as soon as you receive an essay question or assignment - even if you just read over the research and get some notes taken down on the theories etc. This will help you when you're in the writing up phase.
not sure on research for personal development plans, though there is some stuff on learning styles I've looked at and will try referring to in my assignment
Google learning styles and see what you come out as - and then taylor your learning to that. I'm a person who is more right brain orientated (DVDs more than audio etc), which also means I need to repeat/re-write things (like lecture notes) a few times before it sinks in - but, after it does I'll remember it for ages.
Yeah I did questionnaire on my learning style and I will write about this in my plan.. should I include the questionnaire and my answers in an appendix?

Study groups are great - both for group learning and for getting more acquainted with the girls on the course ;-)

On the development plan, I think they're looking for the following:
What have you done before this course that led you to do it
Have any assessments/appraisals pointed out you lack experience or knowledge in any area?
Why are you completing this course? What do you expect to learn?
What do you see yourself doing after this course? (in work)
How will this course help you to develop (as a person)
Tie in some theory (stuff from authors about learning, learning styles, and CPD [continual professional development]).
This seems great advice and I will try to address these in my essay

If you do have any questions then feel free to PM me.
I'm sure I will be sooner rather than later!
Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
Most of the feeling you have now will go once you've written something.
yeah you're right, still seems a little overwhelming but 1500 words isn't much I just dunno what content to put in, I FUCKING HATE vague questions, I like to know what the lecturer is looking for, and I literally have no clue
I remember stuff by taking notes and then discussing the lecture with other students for the next hour in the pub, or telling someone what the lecture was about in detail.

Also, learning to type properly and extremely swiftly made everything about note taking and essay writing easier (don't know if you are already a proficient typist).
I'm a good typist.. It's not always handy to have laptop out in class, but I will be sure to in pure lectures


Originally Posted by Breaker View Post
I'm final year business management and information systems at the moment. My top tips for busting a 1st are as follows:

Be a perfectionist with the simple things: spell check, proof reading, presentation (google this), referencing, proper labelling of graphs ect. It's easiest marks you can get, just takes a bit of time. I also always get my work bound properly, no matter what, unless specifically stated not to. It's psychological thing with it looking more professional, it subconsciously persuades it's of high standard or lots of time has been put into it.
Seems awesome advice, I always spell check and proof read, I'm trying to master the presentation to make it as formal as possible (though I am a very informal person), and I am DEFINITELY going to bind every assignment I hand in, I want as many brownie points as possible all year

Pester the fuck out of your tutors by email and in their contact time, ask them whatever you can get use from them, this is good for two reasons, one they can only say no/they can't answer that, but will usually try and help you/direct you, but secondly and more importantly you get a feel for the specific tutor is looking for (very important, marking is more subjective than you think) and they will more often than not recognise your work (always sign of with your real name) as the guy who was putting in a lot of effort to make sure everything is covered properly.
Even up towards the course starting I was kinda pestering the course tutor with questions about the course and stuff.. What do you mean "sign off with your real name?" this confused me..
Read as much as you can, sooner rather than later and keep a notebook specifically for relevant quotes,with page numbers ect, saves so much time later on, even if you don't use half of them.
I am keeping a notebook for stuff like that and also word document for all my referencing needs as I hate wacking them at the bottom of the assignment whilst I'm working on it
If you get group work, work with girls and be the project manager, for obvious PU reasons, but also because girls are generally more organised and less likely to leave everything to the last minute, leaving you sat in the library the night before hand in raging about the slack homos who are happy to get a shit grade.

I fucking hate personal development essays.I'm paying to learn about and improve my knowledge in Businsess Management not analyse why I'd like to improve working in a group as it be beneficial to my working career, or whatever other bullshit they expect us to write. The best way to get good marks is to completely bullshit your targets to meet their criteria and tie in shit loads of relevant sources.
This is so true. Perhaps quite cynical but true. Its just a fucking research exercise so the Uni knows how the course is affecting us.. I'm feeling that bullshit targets is the way to go... because if I be totally realistic about it all, I don't have that much to write.. I don't even have work appraisals (something I'm going to change when I speak with my manager about my future soon..)
Originally Posted by richcol View Post
I have a BA Hons in Business Management. I remember the nerves on results day. Seeing your name up their and the realization that you've now got a degree is one of the best feelings i've had. Hope that motivates you.
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