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Default RSD World Summit - August 2011, Las Vegas (Part 2) - 23-08-2011, 02:20 PM

THURSDAY - Tyler (III) & Tim

Before Tyler's presentation, Alex showed us 'Chodes Night Out 2'. This video was RIDICULOUSLY funny, but also blew a lot of assumptions out of the water about what you can and can't say.


A tired-looking Tyler then took to the stage, but as the session went on he found his momentum - which is interesting, as that is what he started off the session by talking about!

The main part of his speech revolved around authenticity and being carefree. He made a very interesting point in that if you are not carefree, the woman will analyse you from a LOGICAL perspective (which is obviously not good). He also made another interesting point regarding conversation in that there are two types - one you should enjoy, and one that moves you forward.

It was during this session that I had my major epiphany of the week, similar to when Neo 'sees' the Matrix near the end of the first film. It was like loads of things going 'CLICK, CLICK, CLICK' into place inside my head, and felt like a massive electrical surge. Suddenly, a lot of things became clear.


A very funny, positive and informative session. The following things stuck out for me:
- he talked about two guys living inside you - The Resilient Glory Man, and The Resistance Man who pops up when you do anything that tries to give you growth.
When you are out, whenever the 'Resistance Man' pops up in your mind just make it worse. It's a difficult concept to explain so if anyone wants more info just PM me.
- for marathon quality interactions the following should be present: (1) solid eye contact, (2), vocal projection, (3) WOO (self-amusement), and (4) sexual intent. He made an important point about sticking in the set....'because you don't know what she is thinking'.

There were also some interactive exercises, including one where you had to pair up with someone you hadn't met yet and 'approach' each other! During this time Tim was able to speak to each pair individually, which was a nice touch.


Another amazing club. This, along with Friday night, were nights I made major breakthroughs.

Freedom from outcome - I was entering interactions simply to have fun, coupled with 'deliberate illogicality'. Got into a lengthy interaction with one girl (I'll call her Goth Girl), she was with one other friend who was very approving and I did well in keeping her occupied but also implicity letting her know that I liked her friend. Was escalating well, it was definitely on, but then I started to lose a bit of patience. The girl sensed this and the vibe changed, as she drank more she also became more obnoxious so this was a deadly combination. I went off for a bit, then when I came back she was all over another guy. All Goth Girl's friend could do was apologise, I was pissed at the time but in retrospect she was being a dick so guess it was her loss.

Dealing with the 'Resistance Man' as well as shit from girls - after that interaction I wasn't in a good mood, in my head, and doubts were beginning to rear their ugly head. Usually this would have messed up my night, but I thought 'just go with it, if anything make it worse'. So I see a 2-set and open with 'do I look like I need to go to the gym?'. Ridiculous, out of the blue opener. One girl, mumbles something, then the other one says:

'I don't know why you've starting talking to us, so could you just go away please'

ME: Why, I was only asking you a question
GIRL (raises voice): Look, just GO AWAY!
ME: I don't understand, I'm only being sociable

At this point I would have just left it. But something inside me said 'no, you haven't done anything wrong, stand your ground'. So my response:

ME: You look so cute when you're mad
GIRL: (more abuse, can't remember what was said)
ME: I want to adopt you as my little sister
GIRL: Me and my friend are having a talk, FUCK OFF! (2 of them then move away)
ME (cheerily): Nice to meet you! I'll miss you!

And then walked off. I didn't feel angry, but rather a rush of adrenaline at having stood my ground but being unreactive. As I walked to the bar, I felt a tap on the shoulder and it was the girl again. Oh no, Round 2. However, the conversation went like this:

GIRL: Excuse me, what were you trying to ask us earlier?
ME: I said 'do I look like I need to go to the gym?'
GIRL (face drops): 'Oh my god, I thought you said that I needed to go to thr gym. I'm so sorry'
ME: Why the fuck would I say something like that?

The girl then continues to apologise profusely, she is majorly embarrassed, and we part on a good note. I could have moved it forward as she was pretty fit, but couldn't be bothered.

Escalation - just do it - it was getting towards the end of the night and there wasn't much on. I then see a girl sitting down on the sofa. Can't remember what I opened her with, but got a conversation going and told her to move up so I could sit down. Turns out she is from Australia, bit large but pretty. All her friends are engaged in conversation with other people. Again there was a lot of deliberate illogicality, she then said something that I took as a cue to push it forward. Normally I wouldn't, but something inside thought 'fuck it' and went for the makeout. RESULT! After that it was chilled, and every so often she would say things like 'who are you' and 'I can't believe I did that' (not in a bad way though). SNL was on but there was some resistance, however she was in town til Sunday so made a mental note in the back of my mind.

We left the club with her 2 friends who were hooked up with guys, then went to a casino bar that was still open. There we talked, and the sexual vibe continued to build. However she made it clear that nothing was going to happen. Having remembered previous errors, I just decided to chill and we exchanged numbers. Got back to the hotel and it was daylight - an interesting night indeed!

FRIDAY - Jeffy & Brad

I was looking forward to today - Jeffy had made a couple of cameo appearances at other sessions topless and carrying a yard of something alcoholic, and there had been several references to Brad's hair and demeanour in some sessions. Lol.


Has some introduction music, then enters the conference room WWE-style. Brilliant. His session is from the heart, and also very practical. His philosophy is that everything he does is geared towards 'The Program', the structure he now has in place after 10 years of gaming. In my opinion, these were some of the best quotes:

"The solution to most problems with game is MORE GIRLS"
"You are the average of the 5 people you go out with most"
"Communicate as a MAN to a WOMAN" (simple, yet how many people fail to remember this during an interaction?)
"Are you attempting to weasel your way into the party, or are YOU the party?"
"When you try to make everyone like you, NOTHING is going to happen"
On non-escalation - "All talk, no DONG"

He also showed several infield videos of him and his crew 'beasting', which made me smile because essentially they were just some guys out having a laugh, but also pulling chicks. Awesome.


Again there was an introduction video advertising himself as 'the world's most beautiful man'. Lol.

Having not read anything him, Brad came across as very laid-back but with his head firmly screwed on. His attitude is that any bad experience can be positively re-framed (he told the story about getting sick on his shirt during a night and still wearing it anyway, which was hilarious). He also talked about freedom from outcome and indifference, echoing what previous speakers had said.

After Friday's session I did start to notice a clear set of fundamentals coming through, and also something else that I will talk about at the end of this post.

During the break I check my phone and have the following message from Aussie Girl:

'If your up to it later we can finish what we started last night. Have fun x'

Shit is ON for tonight.


This club was significantly smaller than the other ones, but there was still a fun vibe. My wing is other guy from the Summit who didn't really like club game, so said I'd show him the ropes as I'd been sat next to him all week. Tonight's focus was 'BE LOUD'. For the first 2 hours I was acting like a crazy man, at one point I even ran down the corridor high-fiving everyone who was leaning against the wall. Again that old nemesis 'failure to escalate' came back in some interactions. Got a text from Aussie girl at around 1am saying 'where are you', I reply with 'in lavo'. All good.

The main highlight was a lengthy interaction with the dean of a college (!) whilst my wing was talking to the friend. Deliberate illogicality very much played a part here, she said she was from Florida so I said she looked like a 'shark tamer' and kept that thread going for a while. All the time she was laughing, a lot of kino but didn't go for the makeout - however it was there for the taking. My wing however did makeout with his girl, unknown to me til after they left - I said to him I would have helped a brother out as they were going back to their hotel!

Aussie girl texts me to say that she's in Lavo. Rather than go and find her, I just continue to do what I'm doing and chill with my wing. We eventually bump into each other, it's definitely on. Then the moment of truth; I use Tim's line, 'time to leave!' and take her hand. She says 'OK' and goes to tell her friends she is going. Simple as that. We are talking all the way back to the hotel, I like doing this at it puts me and her at ease. However as soon as we get to the hotel room I give her a couple of minutes to chill and get used to the surroundings (credit to Todd for this one). Then throw her on the bed, lights out, and the rest is history......

SATURDAY - Jeffy (II) & Papa

Last day of Summit! Looking round the room, a lot of people are feeling the effects of 6 nights of partying. Some aren't even present - always a good sign, ha ha.


The second of Jeffy's sessions is much more practical, and breaks down his game in more detail. These were the main points:
- go in hard!
- the approach should come from a place of expression - treat the interaction as a blank canvas waiting to be painted;
- but make sure you have a follow-through - Jeffy talked about having a 'stream of consciousness rant' where you just say whatever is on your mind. It feeds into the notion of vibing, but also drop in statements of intent;
- the makeout cements the MAN/WOMAN relationship, after which you can include more 'normal' conversation;
- lead the conversation, do not cling to theirs;
- 'trying to impress' behaviours run very deep and take time to change.

There was also some advice on internet game which was useful, and these were the pointers:
- make sure your profile is unique (from my experience, easier said than done);
- it's a numbers game - don't waste time trying to tailor specific responses for women. Jeffy sends out the same message to all women, and only looks at their profile pic. However it gets repsonses, as he went on to show.
- don't take them to a restaurant for the first date, as escalating will be difficult.

Some people would disagree with Jeffy's style regarding online game, but I guess it's whatever works best for you.


His session was mainly about networking and explaining how the RSD Inner Circle works, so didn't take many notes.

Q & A session with all the instructors

At the end those in attendance had the opportunity to ask whatever questions they wanted to the panel. It was interesting to hear a range of viewpoints on different topics and sticking points.

Some people were also asking rather bizarre questions.....I think some were hoping that the Summit would give them the magic bullets they were looking for - if this was the case, unfortunately they have a long way to go. I noticed that some of the guys I saw in clubs just looked pissed off, even when trying to engage them in conversation and lighten it up their mood didn't change. So a message to these people:

When you go out it is supposed to be FUN, you are not going to 'work'!

And then they wonder why they are not getting results - as Jeffy would say, 'DURRR'.......

SATURDAY NIGHT - 'Street game'

Didn't really feel like going out properly (it had been along week) so hit the streets with my wing from Friday night. He was twice as enthusiastic about street game than club game, however we just kept meeting girls who were (1) on their way to a club, or (2) underage. This is where the limits of going out with someone you don't really know come into play......

During interactions he would pick up his girl Tyler-style and start walking off with her. He was also trying to go for the makeout within 5 minutes of meeting them....definite 'balls to the wall' style, but blew out the few sets we managed to find. In retrospect, I would have been better off heading out to the club. However I had some funny interactions...deliberate illogicality rules.

THE IMPORTANT BIT - what I learned from World Summit 2011

What I learned in that week has had a profound effect on me, to the extent that I have already committed to next year's Summit. It has given me a new and fresh perspective on a lot of things, notably how I interact with people as well as life goals.

Having heard a range of instructors, I realise that their views on game suit their personalities. This is MASSIVE. You cannot copy their styles, it is not possible. Even if you were able to, that is a front that you cannot put up for a long time. The information presented is there to interpret as you see fit, but it has to suit YOU.

Having seen all the instructors in the flesh, their self-confidence and presence were amazing. And in all the different styles, you can see how it creates attraction. Which brings me onto my next point.

There were different opinions and viewpoints, but a set of fundamentals emerged at the end of the week common to all the presentations. This was my interpretation:

1) FREEDOM FROM OUTCOME - connected with Abundance Mentality; going out and having fun, not being in your head, focusing on the process rather than the outcome.

2) PHYSICALITY - cements the Man/Woman relationship, demonstrates intent. Do not be afraid to escalate, is there is resistance take one step back, chill, two steps forward. No physicality = friend-to-friend conversation

3) STRONG EYE CONTACT - as soon as you start talking to the woman, this will say a lot about your intentions. There were soem great examples of this in the infield videos.

4) SELF-AMUSE - 'deliberate illogicality' is fast becoming my favourite pastime. Faux pas, innuendo, random statements....anything that engages the emotional rather than the logical.

5) SHIT TESTS - they are there to test your strength of character. A 9 or 10 will not make things easy for you; they will get approached numerous times in a day and will have an almost automated response. You have to show them that you are different (linked to 4 - Self Amuse). Again, there were videos that demonstrated this really well.

6) WOMEN ARE PEOPLE TOO - sometimes it is easy to forget this, with all this talk of approaches, targets, sets, obstacles etc. Just relate to them as a person. The way I see it, meeting a new person is a new experience (be it positive or negative). The more people you meet, the more reference points you have. All instructors talked about actually making the effort to go out and that as you go out more and have more interactions, you will find your glitches 'auto-correcting'. This links to the next point:

7) BEING AUTHENTIC - i.e. your true self, as opposed to creating a Pickup Persona that only comes out at night. There is a bit in the new Inbetweeners Movie where the girl says to Will 'why do you always have to be a logical dick all the time?' Will's response: 'I may be a logical dick, but at least I'm consistent'. Just be who you are. And if you don't like it, do something about it! I would also recommend this post by Alex:

Personality: Get One. Chode. | RSD Nation

8) INSTRUCTORS ARE HUMAN - and do get blown out. But at the same time, this was another massive realisation which is why it is the last point. When they were on the stage, you simply knew that they were speaking from a position of having been in the field night after night, month after month, year after year, in the trenches, blowout after blowout, successes, failures, drama, plateaus, breakthroughs, epiphanies, character-building. They are at the top of their game, but did not get there in one day. The Taj Mahal was not built in one day. And it all comes back to the three Ps:
- Patience;
- Practice;
- Persistence.

So there you have it gentlemen, that was my experience of World Summit 2011. Was it worth the money? Yes. Gave a clearer perspective? Yes. Met loads of cool people? Yes.

I'm going to keep a journal of progress over the next year, and look forward with anticipation to the journey ahead.

'I've never known a man worth his salt who, in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline.' - Vince Lombardi

'The secret of happiness is not discovered in the absence of trials, but in the midst of them' - Ted Nace
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