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Default The beginning of my two week cardio blast - 11-07-2011, 02:57 PM

Well I have decided that I am not happy with my rate of fat loss.

So I have took it upon myself to do exactly what phil suggested in his post in my thread about increasing muscle to burn fat.

I am going to do hard cardio for two weeks, every day, and eat as perfect as I possibly can (without protein powder, as I do not have cash for it until mid july.

I am going to only eat omelates, meats, a little veg, some fruit, and chicken wraps.. I am going to try and keep my calorie intake as low as possible, but with sufficient energy for my workouts. Hopefully this, coupled with the intense cardio every day, will give me some noticable fat loss.

I am not going to do any weight training for two weeks. Some people may argue this is not a good or healthy way of losing the fat/weight, but I am doing it anyways.

Any suggestions on energy boosting but low calorie/carb/fat foods will be appreciated.

I will take measurements on my body, photos, and weigh myself before and after and every few days.

I weigh 13 stone, but have quite an amount of belly fat (more than I want anyway!)

Any suggestions on hard cardio ideas and food ideas appreciated
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