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Default Shift in perspective - 07-07-2011, 11:06 AM

Up until the last month or so, I used to have a very negative perspective on getting healthy. I used to think that going to the gym was hard work, a chore, when I would rather just sit at home and do nothing. I used to eat pizzas and burgers and enjoy them for 15 mins, then feel horrible after. I used to see no option of ENJOYING healthier foods.. I used to drink 2 - 3 cans of coca cola a day, among other fizzy pop.

And I don't understand how or why, but my perspective has shifted massively.
Last night I actually said to a friend "I can't wait to go to the gym tomorrow and work my triceps and legs!". I have started eating REGULARLY, not skipping meals, and eating more fulfilling food. I admit, I used to go to mcdonalds sometimes on lunch just because it was easier!

Now, at 6am in a morning I ENJOY an omelatte with 3 eggs. I enjoy eating cerial, and fruit, and chicken wraps, ham on wholemeal cobs, light ribena as a drink instead of Monster or fizzy pop..

There are no excuses to not being healthy. Last night, I didn't plan for todays meals at work. Usually, I would just end up not eating and binging on sugar filled foods like crisps all day. Not any more, I went to tesco, bought a banana, some strawberries, a yoghurt, a pack of ham, and at home I packed some bread for the ham.

This post is a bit all over the place but, I hope it gives someone motivation to see the light, and realise that cutting out all the crap foods and lack of exercise really really does make you feel a lot better in life.

My muscles in my arms and chest have been growing, I have noticed it, chicks notice it, and it fills me with even more confidence making me wana go to the gym and rip it up more and beat the weights I did last time!

Edit: Oh and I don't think I would have achieved this without the advice and motivation from people on this forum, so thank you to everyone who has helped me! I'm not at where I wana be yet, but I am making progress slowly but surely.

Last edited by alphaD; 07-07-2011 at 11:08 AM.
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