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Default 30-06-2011, 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by entercaspa View Post
that is quite a problem there to be honest, ive just goal orientated myself, which is stupid,

being funny, for me, isn't like a need. I don't feel the need to be funny, its just something i am when im around girls, automatically, i don't know why.
I dont make people laugh by doing pranks, i make them laugh with jokes and stories so i hope i've elaborated there
Ok cool..

My advice would be to try and isolate the girl you like..
Also, when you're telling your stories, don't be afraid to throw in some sexual content. Perhaps you're giving off a "best friend" vibe instead of a "lets fuck" vibe.

Also, don't try and game girls indirect all the time. Waste of time and energy. Be direct, be honest, be dominant, tell the girl that after your meal, you two are going back to yours. Always assume interest unless she expresses otherwise. Always assume that things are going well. If she rejects you, don't let it bother you. She probably has her own shit in her life, and remember, some people just won't like you. But there ultimately be more people in the world that DO like you.
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