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Default 17-05-2011, 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
I've not done very much that I wasn't proud of at the time and only very little that I was ashamed of at the time. I am pretty ashamed of some of the stuff I did in the past and I'm sure in the future I'll be pretty ashamed of some of the stuff I'm doing now. I'll still get why I did it then though and won't want not to have done those things as and when they actually happened (unless maybe I fuck something up big one day).
I have a somewhat similar mindset, I can't ever honestly want to change any of my actions if I like the person or position I am in right now. There have been immoral actions in my past, I feel sorry for those actions, I however can't change them nor would I want to change them because the experiences of my past make me who I am today. Without them I would be a very different person.

On your point about business, do you not think it's dangerously hypocritical to hold two sets of moral values?

In American airports you have to go through a nudifying machine or alternatively get a pat down (which is quite intrusive). TSA agents take care of this and have their own jurisdictory powers over people. There's a great deal of outrage and hate towards them as it takes away a few fundamental rights such as their right to travel (not sure if that's the correct term) as people who do not wish to be molested do not have a choice unless they go through the machines(which have questionable health implications). Now, the general mindset these workers tend to use is "It's my job"... Which I think is utterly disgusting. Just because something is your job does not make it a less immoral act.

Now, that's a slightly out there example, but the same principle applies to other things no?
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