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RLAJay RLAJay is offline
Fishing the Sea Champion, Gyroball Champion, Eskiv Champion, Disc Dash Champion, Crazy Closet Champion
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Default 17-05-2011, 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by chops147 View Post
great post RLA that's some good stuff their. I can definitely understand the whole validation thing cos they wanna be seen as massive pimps.
Yeah, which is fair play in relation to business. I will qualify myself to anyone that calls me out if there is any danger of it affecting the opinion potential clients might have of me, I wouldn't want to lose business.

I will not however qualify myself to anyone under any circumstances that are simply personal. There's a shit tonne of "I'm better than you" personal competition and vendettas between all the major people in the industry, to the point of being called out on $5000 bets for sarging competitions and the like. It's just plain ridiculous ego massaging.

That and the internal circlejerking that goes on under the pretense of learning when the reality was they just wanted pats on the back for being successful. One of the biggest hypocrisies is the HB rating scale which is entirely unnecessary and just plain ridiculous, in fact the looks of a person are completely irrelevant to any report at all other than "hurr hurr I pulled a hottie give me validation guys!"

When I called people out on it I got a great deal of flak for not agreeing with the mantra and the argument was always that of it being relative to confidence, which is utter bollocks as there are plenty of absolute stunners out there with extremely low self esteems.

I fell into the industry a reject teenage mess of magnitudes, became a complete dick, did a whole tonne of shit I'm not proud of at all and then went through the above changes that I'm very glad happened. Sure, I make absolutely no money now and have a small mountain of debt but at least I'm not hurting anyone now. I couldn't have continued where I was and keep the morals and ethics that I had developed.
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