Thread: Phases
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Default Phases - 15-05-2011, 03:11 PM

The word "phases" is the only way I can think of to describe what I am talking about..

I seem to go through different "obsessive phases" every few months or weeks or something.

For example, I will go through a few weeks just looking for a new car, always thinking about which new car I want, trying to compare them in my head all the time, always on the lookout for that perfect one that I want. Then BAM. One day I will wake up and just stop caring about it, and never even buy one !!

Then I would be obsessed with my finances. I start spreadsheeting all my incoming and outgoings, predicting what I will have left at the end of this month, next month, this year, next year, etc etc. Then BAM. I will stop.

Then I will obsess on calorie counting. Be totally obsessed with fitness and goto the gym and eat real healthy for a few weeks. Then BAM. Stop.

Then I become obsessed with programming on computers, and just go mad reading ebooks on computer programming etc etc...

And, I can NEVER predict what my next obsessive phase will be. This happens in various stages, quantities and different severities throughout life.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
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