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sapphire sapphire is offline
Default 02-05-2011, 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by Midas touch View Post
Okay, the main thing lacking from The Blueprint, in my opinion, is that it does not delve deep enough into how to get yourself into state and how to be non-reactive. Tyler just seems to tell you that that's what you should be like. Well Jeez, we already knew that deep down, it's kind of common sense really.
No actually I think he does to some degree. My interpretation of how he explained it is that "state" for men is triggered from our assessment of how we fit into the value hierarchy in a social situation i.e. if we consider our selves to be a relatively high value person in a particular circumstance (say out with good friends) then our "state" is automatically good - unstifled, unreactive, have everyone hanging on what you say, laughing at your jokes etc etc, basically you are your "best self".

He goes on to say that you can activate that "best self" (and its companying state) moreorless at will if you learn to assume that you are valuable, that you are always worth talking to and anyones time to listen to.