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Jynx-Manchester Jynx-Manchester is offline
Default 17-07-2009, 02:08 PM

this is awesome its by a guy called david shade

The Sad Truth About Sex Today

Here are some very sad and sobering truths about modern sexuality:

* 30% of ALL women have never had an orgasm in their life.
* 70% of women have NEVER had an orgasm during intercourse.
* Over half of all women have FAKED an orgasm.

Stop and take a moment to think about what this means.

If you are a man reading this, it means 50% of the women you have had sex with faked an orgasm. And if the other half were able to orgasm with you, it probably happened because they used their hands or a vibrator.

If you are a woman reading this it means there is a 1-in-3 chance you have never had an orgasm. And if you have been fortunate enough to experience an orgasm, it most likely wasn't from having sex with your man.

This is a sad reality about modern sexuality because ALL healthy women can have orgasms during sex!

Modern medicine wants to put the blame on women for these problems, and the bozos in the 'male enhancement' industry want you to think your 'size' is the problem. They are both feeding you a load of crap to make money.

All Of Us Are Sexual Creatures

All of us are born sexual creatures. (I realize this may come as a shock to many guys, to learn women are sexual too). Fact is, if we weren't sexual we would die off.

But no one is born knowing how to have Great Sex any more than you are born knowing how to walk. The good news is learning to have good sex is like learning how to walk, once you've got it, you won't have to think about it. You'll just do it.

Listen, any guy can figure out how to stick 'it' in and pump-n-dump. In fact this is what most guys do. It's also why 70% of women never orgasm during sex. Face it... if you want your woman to orgasm, you must understand what she needs. This is what I'm here for, to help you figure it out.

The Secret To Really Great Sex

You probably won't believe this once you see it, but it is the true secret to great sex with your woman. Do this, and she will do anything to make you happy, because no other man will have ever done this for her.

This is the secret to being a truly Masterful Lover. EVERYTHING I teach is based on this one secret.

Are you ready? Good, here it is...

Stop thinking about 'getting' sex from women. Instead focus on giving your woman Incredible Pleasure by giving her Really Good Sex.

In short... FOCUS ON THE WOMAN'S PLEASURE instead of your own. She will be so thrilled she will want you to feel just as much pleasure as you have given her.

Now, you might just have had to stop and let the power of this wash over you. Excellent! You have just taken a major step towards being the kind of lover women dream about.

When you love nothing more than to give a woman the most powerful long-lasting orgasm of her life... This will make you stand out like a great Dane in a room full of chihuahuas

( If you are thinking 'bull crap', there isn't much I can do to help you. You should probably click away now to one of the 3,150,000 websites on sexual positions or one of the 2,070,000 websites on male-enhancement.)

Everything You Need To Satisfy A Woman Is Already Within Her

There are so many men who only focus on their own needs when it comes to sex. You only have ask a woman or poke around online to know this is true.

Thing is, it's amazingly easy to stand out from these lame lovers by doing just this one simple thing... Focus On Her Pleasure.

If you have this as your mind-set, you'll easily figure out how to do this because you are now paying attention to everything she wants you to know about her body and what she likes. Everything you need to satisfy her is already inside her, and she WANTS you to discover it.

But you must Pay Attention!

This is the essence of what it means to be a Masterful Lover.

If Your Not Growing, Your Dying

Keep Progressing


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