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Default Talking to girls online - 11-04-2011, 11:32 AM

Hey I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out with this. I've got an account on plentyoffish and have just recently come out of a 2 year relationship with my now ex (psycho) girlfriend. So I'm trying to get my game back and have started toying with online dating.

A girl whom lives locally messaged me a few days ago ( I know she made the first move ) and I proceeded to message her back. As soon as I started doing this I realised that online dating is a strange kettle of fish. Its way to easy to insult someone and its to easy to fall into "interview" style conversations. I do my best to break this mold but somehow ended up going to far in the piss taking department. I'll paste the conversation below and I would really appreciate your thoughts and any criticisms on them.

Girl : You really did sell yourself well didn't you! Been up to much this weekend? xx

Me : Well I used to work in sales, so its no surprise you were swept away by my awesome profile.
I also spent the entire weekend working to meet a deadline... I know I'm too cool for school!
What about you, got anything interesting going on just now.. you haven't really mentioned much on your profile (except that you bite which is great!) ?

Girl : Lol well what wouldyou like to know? Ask away. I had a job interview yesterday and I'm pure dying of the cold or something! You doing much this weekend? Xxx

Me : I think i'm coming down with a cold as well, I must've caught it from your message.
I'm in Glasgow at the moment staying with some friends. I think we're going to the highlands tomorrow, thus getting up early and I can't sleep. Just my luck.
What was your job interview in, who would want to employ a dog kissing piano teacher?

Long Pause...

Me : (title of message was cold feet?) What, playing hard to get already? Nice.
Talk to me.

Girl : lol cold feet? me? no way lol
you had a good weekend?

Me : Haha sure.
You do like asking about the weekend don't you.
What’s your # and when’s a good time to reach you?

Girl : lol your forward arnt you!
my number is 079xxxxxxxxxx
and you may text at anytime.
well i was asking about the weekend seeing as it has just finished you see!!
you doing much this week?
btw whats your name?
im blah blah

Me : Ha, what are you afraid of? I'm only going to call the normal 55 times a day.
And now you've moved onto asking about my week.. Can't you think of anything interesting to talk about? You know what they say about woman who are always asking questions about a man's forthcoming daily activities. Let's save that until we're married.
The names blah, pronounced the same way as the capital of blah blah.

Girl : you are a real charmer arnt you. iv noticed your coversation topic isnt exactly flowing now is it?

Me : Haha if you hadn't gotten cold feet we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we. So quit being a baby and try talking about something.
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