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Default 11-04-2011, 09:55 AM

Originally Posted by DjSash View Post
I think I am closer to the geeky antisocial person you think I am not to what you think I am.
I'm not a complete freak and the fact that I host a House party doesn't mean I have too many good friends. The truth is, I am not very social and that is why I found "The game" and all those things very helpful.

However, I am watching RSD: Blueprint Decoded and I have to say that it is helping me to "be" and not to "do".
The only choice is to be the "alpha male" of the party, and that's my objective.

As I said, I will consider what you all said but I'm not scraping my whole routine. At least I'm gonna try it and if it doesn't work, I'll be more direct.
Yeah the guys are right but it's hard to see it at first, you get in your head and worry that you'll have nothing to say and that people will judge you and you'll freeze up. It's important to know that in craving routine what you're actually doing is you're using structure to find state, whereas in fact structure follows state organically. If you need a little crutch for structure in the meantime, look at Juggler's ebook, personally I think his philosophy is rather elegant in many ways. I use bits of it and not just for pickup.


"Civilise the mind, make savage the body"
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