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DjSash DjSash is offline
Default 11-04-2011, 09:45 AM

Originally Posted by mastere666 View Post
These 'cunning game tactics' are 1. The old school art of pick-up and 2. for people with no personality.

Surely you aren't some no lifed, geeky, social hermit who needs to use pick-up lines or opinion openers because he has no confidence in who he really is or the value he has to offer people???? well believe it or not 'the game' and mystery method was for the most part designed for people like this. If you have enough friends for a house-party, I personally have confidence in you.

In regards to the girls... dont over-think it... infact don't even think about them. I couldnt even handle reading the whole of your post, it reminded me too much of my old self. Trying to 'plan' social interactions does you no favours, sure if your intelligent enough, you can pull it off. Does it make you an interesting, kool person? Quite the opposite, most would agree.

Anyway having this mindset won't improve you, at least not in the long run. Have fun, and be kool you obviously have friends and people like you for who you are. It's not realising your awesomness and not acting through your own intentions that is the barrier to most guys getting laid.

I think I am closer to the geeky antisocial person you think I am not to what you think I am.
I'm not a complete freak and the fact that I host a House party doesn't mean I have too many good friends. The truth is, I am not very social and that is why I found "The game" and all those things very helpful.

However, I am watching RSD: Blueprint Decoded and I have to say that it is helping me to "be" and not to "do".
The only choice is to be the "alpha male" of the party, and that's my objective.

As I said, I will consider what you all said but I'm not scraping my whole routine. At least I'm gonna try it and if it doesn't work, I'll be more direct.
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