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AJay AJay is offline
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Default Dating site game - 04-04-2011, 11:47 AM

Iv just joined a dating website for a bit of fun, plus i dont get enough time to go out sarging these days, with full time work and full time education. I want to try many different things to see the responses i get. Any tips and tricks you guys know from theses websites,. Anything good to put on your profle to attracted more woman? Ill show you someone ive messaged, tell me what you think.


Omg you have one ear bigger than the other! soo cute. Anyway im thinking of robbing a bank soon and im looking for a side kick.I havent chosen a percific bank yet but proberly one with the most money in it. I suppose i need someone who can make good sandwiches. P.S no egg sandwiches


Well that all depends...I demand half of the takings-my sandwiches are made with a lot of love put into them,their not just any old sandwich.. Also I would require a suitably sexy "thief" outfit ;-) And yes I really do have one ear bigger than the other...but only by a little bit :-) I don't look half like big ears lol x


hmmm half the takings? im not sure, youd have to throw in some more exotic foods to make that a possibility :P Of course the costume would come with the job title, but you would have to be measured to ensure a snug fit. I have a conffession to make, it seems that i have one ear bigger than the other also! Maybe thats why i was drawn to you


How about if I throw in a couple of sausage rolls&some cheese and pineapple?! Lol Will you be the one taking the measurements? I don't do baggy clothes...they have to be tight ;-) Oh phew,I thought I was the only one out there. We can be freaks together,it's not so bad really... Haha x


Ill have to think about that, but definately no tinned pineapple, must be fresh. Unfortunately i am on a tight budget, so yes i will be the one to take the messurements It would definately have to be a tight fit as there would be serious health and safety implication otherwise. We also wouldnt want your custume getting caught on something and leaving behind a trail of evidence would we? We need to come up with a suitable name for ourselves now. The Ear Bandits? ;-)


How about "the ear-ie stealers"?! can you see what I've done there?! lol
Have a good monday :-)

Thats it so far.... will message her back when i get home from work tonight.... how long before ill be able to get her out with me do you think????

oh and if anyone knows what shes on about when she said ear-ie stealers, then please say coz i havent a frigin clue.


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