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Midas touch Midas touch is offline
Default 30-03-2011, 07:42 PM

Some statistics are even saying that women cheat more now. I don't know how true that is, I'd say it would be bloody hard to know. Certainly, it is much easier for women to cheat though (in general that is; most men are not rock stars, PUAs, or even alpha). Women don't have to go out hunting, they can just say yes and open their legs.

On a certain level, it seems that men are the new women. Because of feminism and now post feminism women have climbed out of the box and they are not going to get back in it.

That's why us men are joining forums and creating little secret societies where we discuss pick up and how to handle the shit that women throw at us. They seem to have got the upper hand and most men are fighting against a tidal wave.

Last edited by Midas touch; 30-03-2011 at 07:45 PM.
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