Thread: Interview mode
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Default 28-03-2011, 01:00 PM

Originally Posted by Y45 View Post
Shit this happend to me again on the weekend!... i do it without thinking. In my mind im having a conversation but to the group im the following: "interviewer" or a "dedective" and i've been called these names.

Can anyone suggest any documentation i can read to help? i would really appreciate it. Thanks.
We all did its a hard habit to break. One of my girls from back in the AFC days said once 'did I get the job?' Which is funny but 20 minutes of interviewing, is not fun for anyone, switch roles imagine its you being hit with 20 questions.

Some on here would have you believe 'game' is all about self improvement, confidence and become a mystically monk or some bollocks its about fucking girls and the best way is by being interesting and the kind of guy a girl wants to fuck.

pm your email address and I'll dig something out for you. Keiza's stuff on hooks is def worth watching for free if you catch my drift. google torrent her My only concern is you can't master it by reading/watching you have practice it. Good luck

but above all LISTEN to what comes out of a girls mouth, every single thing she says is a conversation, everything she's wearing as well for that matter. if you're struggling make up some left field shit up that makes her get involved.

Don’t think about rejection shouldn’t even enter your head, don’t think about it, just do it, no hesitations. Talk to her.

It’s the only way to get good

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