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Avon Avon is offline
Default 03-07-2009, 06:38 AM

i have spent years in the corporate environment and i would say that you should be very very VERY careful about disclosing the pua side of yourself.

I hate to say it but the pua community is still very covert and although it has been going on for centuries, people do not like to have things like this in the open.

take m***bation for example, everyone does it but it is not exactly poilte everyday conversation material.

being good at pua and game is just about having great social skills but many people do not see it that way.

I assure you that if you let it be known that you have read / listened to all this stuff, people WILL hold it against you. They will not understand the subtle details of game but will use it spread negative comments about you.

In time this will change but for now, many of those in positions of power over you will see being a pua in a negative light.

my advice would be, do not let on that you have read all this material or done any bootcamps etc etc. Just let them think that you are a naturally sociable sort of guy that chicks just happen to want to be with. a bit like being a HB. people do not hold it against a HB and blame her for the fact that guys hit on her all the time. Even though if a HB did not genuinly want guys to hit on her she would not spend hours on her appearance. So, let your colleagues think that you are just being yourself and just happen to have this natural magnetism about you. don't pull away the curtain and allow them to see all the hard work that has gone into creating this magnetism.

hope that helps mate and best of luck in the new job.
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