Thread: Solo Sarge
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Knave Knave is offline
Default 20-03-2011, 11:03 AM

I've only ever solo'd. sure its hard when you start no moral support. but what you will find as your ability and confidence grows you become you're own moral supposrt.

drinking and smoking. well smoking I quit a long time ago, glad I got rid of that fucker, makes me sick now to think about how much money I wasted and who knows what risks I'll face in the future because of it. So NHS quit line mate

Drinking and sarging I could write a book about my experience and mindset. In short i got drunk then talked to girls, once you start to being able to talk to girls without getting drunk you've won. Is it easy, sadly it's not. but its cheaper. I go out sarging 4 times a week I buy mineral water or coke and discounting entrance fees, I spend in one week what I used to spend in one night.

Respect to you going out solo keep doing it

ps I still do drink but not when I'm sarging, quit drinking are you insane

Don’t think about rejection shouldn’t even enter your head, don’t think about it, just do it, no hesitations. Talk to her.

It’s the only way to get good

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Last edited by Knave; 20-03-2011 at 11:05 AM.
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