Thread: Depression
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Parachute Panic Champion, Mahjong Champion
Default 17-03-2011, 08:39 AM

For the first time in my life, I'm currently going through a bout of depression.

Similar to what Blanca said, my misses has bi-polar tendencies (she was diagnosed with it a number of years ago), and from speaking with her it seems like I might be a bit like that myself. I constantly swing between manic highs and crushing lows. Currently, getting the energy to get out of bed in the morning is nearly impossible, and if it wasn't for the fact that I gig most evenings, I probably wouldn't get out of it at all.

I've lost interest in most of my hobbies (you may notice I've become a lot less active on here as of late), can't be arsed to go to the gym, lost my appetite, have erratic sleeping patterns, I find making simple decisions a chore and a consistent feeling of glumness / doom-and-gloom.

That's during the day at least. When the evening comes, I seem to explode into this crazed fun-fiend with a "fuck everything" attitude. I know the alcohol is helping either, but it at least makes the nights more barable.

I think for some people, the depression is routed in a cause. Fortunately I know what mine is. I left my last job a few months ago, and in the past never had an issue walking into another one as I have a pretty impressive CV, but it's been like 3/4 months now, and still nothing. Money is as good as dried out and it's getting me down. I know that as / when I get something I'll perk up (at least I hope so), but ironically this state of depression is making me less and less enthusiastic about getting up and finding something. It's an exacerbating spiral and I can completely understand how it completely ruins some peoples lives.

Like I said, I've had a lot of advice from some people who have been through what I'm going through (mainly, don't fight it, let it do it's thing, ride it, then work with it to get past it), and I'm sure I'll bounce back soon enough. It's SO unlike me though to be like this... I want my energy back!

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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