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Knave Knave is offline
Default 28-02-2011, 02:44 PM

Phil with the greatest of respect to a #2 I think a lot of what you've suggested are basically chat up lines which in my opinion requires a very strong and tight game to pull off, if thats not where you are at, a lot of the new guys are just going to come across as AFC's.

by all means open with 'come here often', but personally I would really stick to more known game methods, I means thats what seperates us from AFC's, right?

Okay for those that asked, The AFC satire opener is what it says on the tin, it works best when a AFC has been blown out. Its a piss take and you need to get animated for it to work. It comes from 'Transformations' and if like me you have the not so legal version its on disk 6 about 21 minutes in. Easily obtained form the net.

I'm not typing the whole rountine but it goes like this, the rountines has to be done quickly with no chance for the girl to answer any of the questions. So you go to the girl who's just blown the AFC out 'Is this how he did it Hey what's your name, [exaggerated lean it or a bow], where do you live [exaggerated lean it or a bow], you're pretty [exaggerated lean it or a bow], can I buy you a drink [exaggerated lean it or a bow].you get the idea watch the rountine its very funny.

If someone knows how to snip videos easily I might post to youtube.

Don’t think about rejection shouldn’t even enter your head, don’t think about it, just do it, no hesitations. Talk to her.

It’s the only way to get good

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