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sapmi sapmi is offline
Default 20-06-2009, 12:39 PM

Mork calling Orson...Come in Orson...

Weds 17th June,

Started the night, solo, in the Salisbury, listening to some bad ass music (NIN, Sham 69, Ramones etc). Apparently they have the best Juke Box in the whole of Manc. Got chatting to people, being sociable.

Wondered then to the Love Train at the Ritz, where I met my wing later (Stafford). Got opening sets having fags outside. Some politness, alot of shit trying to be unreactive (which in itself is a reaction) basically almost (but not completely) ignoring the comments. It's a little art, but I'm getting better at it.

Got into the Ritz..met up with Stafford. I spotted this one girl on the dance floor, pushed pulled a bit, but realised I didn't really fancy her so backed out...

I did few more approaches, got really blown out by some. Then I met Jaz! He gave me some pointers, showed me some stuff. One of his points which I totally agree with is that, yeh, we go out to pull ladies, but the number one priority, even more important than approaching, is HAVE FUN!!

Just by having fun INCREASES YOUR VALUE...therefore your attractiveness increases. So when I go out..its about self amusement, hi fiving etc. Anthony is very good at this, one reason why I've seen his progress skyrocket.

Friday 19th June

Met up the Retro "Paul Daniels" Rally and Rudy. Started off chilled as. We went to Lamaars. I opened a set. One thing I've done for weeks now is to Kiss girls on the cheek within a minute of opening them (thanks Kowalski!). For some reason it kind of relaxes everyone, conversation gets more chilled, and I love kissing soft cheeks Got shit tested quite alot by one of the girls, but kind of ignored it (she was the one I fancied!).. I reacted well, but I should have push pulled a little more (it will internalise eventually!).

Opened a couple more sets. Saw Retro open with his magic trick...(awesome little opener). Anyway me and Rudy departed to Jillys. There was unusally a higher quality of girl there this be honest I only went for the music this time! Rudy and Me opened sets outside (smokers). One set I got chatting to...I could tell they were into me.. basically before they went back into the venue, I K-closed one of them...very brief one. It would have been on if I found her a little more attractive, but what the heck..I k-closed again.

Went back into Jillys, opened this fucking awesome pierced girl...and she turned out to be friendly! Then I met a guy from a the time I sarged solo on Monday (didn't have time to put the report up)..Brads a cool dude, I think he likes me because I bought him a drink, and I'm offering him a job! Anyhow, got some major IOIs from this girl... (when they know your name even though you've never spoken to them!)kissed on cheek, chatted, she went back into the venue. Then I spotted piercing girl and her mate. They were both really friendly...chatted kissed on cheek...then Jinxy rings!!!, goes "meet me in Pic gardens!!".. the girls invite back into the venue and tell me to bring my friends, i.e Jinx (imagine Jinx in Jillys, lol)

So went over to Pic gardens, waiting for the Jinxter. In the meantime I pop into burger king, because I fancy opening sets. I spot this sat down set. They're were from the Czeck republic.. Then Jinxy comes over, he tries to bounce all of them back to my House. It nearly happened, but there was the fat one who was a bit grumpy, with me! Jinx used the line "he's a nice guy, only being friendly!" the way he said it disarmed her. I've seen him use this line before on really really agressive calms them down! I'll use that next time I'm in Pure, because the girls can be REAL bitches there.

Anyway, no extraction...but I'm building more attractiveness, only a matter of time before I extract for an SNL. I just need to keep this momentum up with the opening, kino and k-closes. Then close close close!!

When teaching or advising anyone about Pick-UP (Social Dynamics), you can tell them all the techniques under the sun. It's like telling a learner driver how to drive. If you tell them and even show them how to drive, have they learnt? Of course not! They have to practice themselves and internalise concepts. Same with me, the more I do, the more likely this stuff will sort itself out automatically.

Till Tommorow, Nanoo, Nanoo!

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