Thread: Nailed it...
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BCB BCB is offline
Parachute Panic Champion, Mahjong Champion
Default Nailed it... - 23-02-2011, 02:50 PM

First, a bit of background.

It started when I started getting back into the clubbing scene last year. I was looking at some outfits online and picking something to wear, and I noticed that the model had his nails painted black. I liked it, so the next day I picked up some black nail varnish and painted them.

The amount of comments I got about it immediately astounded me, and I was hooked.

Nowadays, I ALWAYS have the little and the ring fingers on my left hand painted (either a colour or a design), and if I'm going out, I'll usually do my entire left hand.

It started with just black. Then black and red. Then black, red and white. Then multicoloured, and now I have 12 colours and do patterns, themes and all kinds.

Anyway, onto my point

What I've found is that the nail peacocking is massively overlooked. I can be standing at a bar, holding a drink up, or whatever, and I'll get opened all the time by girls saying things like "OMG, who did your nails", and why I say "I do it" it's great DHV as it's a talent. I usually then make a joke out of the fact I'm right handed which is why I only paint the ones on my left as the other side comes out messy.

I've also noticed that the more elaborate the designs, the more attention it gets.

The three designs that I've done that get the most attention are as follows

Star Wars theme. You'd be surprised how many girls are correctly able to point out Boba Fett.

Converse All-Stars. Up until last week, these were my favourite. They take literally hours to do right though.

My new favourite, and the one that gets most people talking, is the monsters. Doing every nail on both hands like that looks wicked. Instant opener, AND you can "attack" the girl with your nails. Instant kino.

Anyway, just thought it was worth mentioning because if any other guys paint their nails when they're out sarging, you might wanna try jazzing them up a bit more and see if it helps with your opening.

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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