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Loke Loke is offline
Default Opening and mental masturbation - 21-02-2011, 02:50 PM

I've read a lot of reports lately about people going out, then opening 10 sets or 20 sets and patting themselves on the back...

How many of these sets do you close? How often do you go for the close? Why are you ejecting out of 20 sets a night.

My last night spent sarging, I opened 2 sets, and spent about 2 hours or so with both sets having a blast all night.

Try to stay in set longer guys, stay till you're so uncomfortable that your balls are running away in terror. Opening sets is child's play and it's so easy to just get stuck doing that over and over as it's gratifying to actually overcome your AA and do it.

Once you're AA is under control, every set you open should be an attempted close. Handling rejection is an important part of getting good at this, so you need to put yourself out there and risk it

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