Thread: Escaping AFC
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Maxemillion Maxemillion is offline
Default Escaping AFC - 13-02-2011, 05:44 AM

Just want to big up the forum as I've had a cool night tonight and its all down to becoming more extroverted due to pickup. cheers evryone. Firstly I opened a set of 3 guys two girls who were sat under a hotlamp in a smoking area purely cos I wanted some heat. Hilariously one girl thought I was some guy that invited her to a sex party a few weeks ago and I played along with it for a while and she looked a bit upset. I was all 'yeh u never showed up, do you want to go to one tonight, you and me'. etc hahaha. One guy was making out with the other girl and she was touching up his crotch. I said 'man that girl is friendly, I'd love to have a girl like that' and the guy goes 'kiss her, I dont mind'. The girl said 'yeah go on' and I did and really enjoyed it. She was a great kisser.

Second I met a black girl on the street and thought I'd seen her earlier in the night 'I'v never seen you before, what, we all look the same do we? you saw some random half cast girl earlier tonight and assumed I was her did you?' She was really fun and I kinoed her and got her number. Teased about marrying her and taking her to London. Awesome.

Thirdly met a break dancing crew inc two very cool female breakers dancing in a pub I go to on my way home. Had an awesome laugh with them and told them I needed to improve my dance/grind technique for clubs that are too loud to talk and they said they'd teach me for free next week. These guys got moves and the girls seemed only too happy to salsa etc. Excellent night, gonna call that girl for drinks and a day two, she seemed pretty interested.

The Fuckest Uppest
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