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londonjoe londonjoe is offline
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Default Friday night out - 01-02-2011, 10:05 AM

Hi guys,

I'll keep this nice and short and sweet as it's my first time posting a field report and I don' really want to bore anyone.

Last Friday I get invited out for a few drinks with the boys, nothing outrageous but then out of left field one of the guys is hitting a birthday party at a bar afterwards and asks if any of us want to go, I immediately take advantage and go along (trying to be a better, more sociable person).

Bar 1 (Don't know if I'm allowed to name bars).

Walk in and the place is heaving with beautiful women, start talking to a drunk pair who are probably HB6 as they keep pushing into me, nothing serious just having abit of a laugh. Do a couple of shots and then head upstairs. At this point the guy I'm there with goes off to find the birthday girl and leaves me with two of his friends.

I suggest we gate crash a private party section and they follow, after about 5 mins the girl who the party it is for susses that she doesn't know us and comes over to ask who we are.....

Her: Do i know you guys
Me: I am seriously offended that you don't even remember me.
Her: Oh i'm sorry but who are you
Me: You send me a facebook invite yet can't remember my name...

Then as i think I might have pulled it off and might be able to start mingling with her friends, one of the guys with me admits to her that we don't know her and thought she was the girl we were here to see (I honestly , can't believe he did that..oh well).

Bar 2

I ditch the guys I'm with and with the friend who brought me out head to another bar. Have a drink and make a B line for the dance floor, start feeling the music and generally dancing like there's no tomorrow (My friend left me on my own whilst he talked to a couple who he is related to for the evening).

Whilst I'm dancing I'm getting compliments from a few guys like, you look solid (Trust me I'm not impressive at all but it was a confidence booster), I also start up random conversations with guys who are walking buy whom bump into me, I'm generally in a happy mood so laughing and having a good time.

Some random guy asks if I want to meet his female friend, I say sure and then he starts drunkenly trying to chat up this HB8, she tells him where to f*** off so I realise he was using me as a tool to talk to this chick....I'm pretty pissed off with this. So I go over to the girl who is angry, apologise and explain that I'm not with the loser, anyway she's interested and starts dancing with me and waves her friends away...talking and dancing and then the same loser comes over and starts trying to talk to her, she is getting really pissed off but arguing with him instead of ignoring. I'm a bit irritated with her and the jerk and so tap her on the shoulder and say "I'll leave you guys too it".

I spot one really fit asian girl and she gives me a lingering smile so I walk over and at that precise time some old dude starts talking to her friend....the conversation:

Me: Please stop dancing your moves are painful to watch
Her: Ha ha I was just joking around with my friend that's not how I really dance.
Me: Of course it isn't....I've not heard that one before.
Her: What's your name etc.......
Her: How do you know your friend (the old guy talking to her mate).
Me: I've never seen that dude before.
Her: I thought he was winging you to keep my friend preoccupied (Look of shock on her face).
Me: lol (Literally laughing histerically, I couldn't help it, I always see the funny side to a situation.
Her: lol, I need to tell me friend.

She explains and comes back but I know that I need to get her number fast otherwise her friend will walk and she will follow.

Her: Are you single?
Me: Yes, and you?
Her: Do you know on facebook, for relationship status it says 'Single, married, engaged, etc'?
Me: yep
Her: Well mines 'It's complicated'
Me: Well what's so complicated either your seeing someone or your not, lol.
Her: Lol, I'm trying to dump him but he won't let go...
Me: Look how about we carry on this conversation another time, seeing as though the music is loud etc.
Her: Okay.
Me: Well here's my phone, tap your number in...
Her: Can i have your number instead?
Me: Sorry I'm really selective about who I give my number too, ha ha.
Her friend: here I'll type it in (she does so and then both of them walk off).

At this point I know she's given me a dodgy phone number. Oh well.

I head back to the dance floor, throwing some shapes and after about two songs this HB8 blonde girl from Brazil (She tells me she's from Brazil) starts grinding me, so I up the stakes and go in for a kiss, first she give me her cheek, so we dance some more and I start carresing her curves on the dance floor and then go in for the kiss Now we are making out and after about 5 mins of this I get paranoid that I've just ruined my chances off pulling anyone else in the bar and back off. I make up some excuse that I have to find my friend and try to leave, she says she wants to come along, I say 'no' my friends shy and gets intimated by beautiful women and so she has to stay here and i'll come back.

I think i was intimated at the intensity that this was all happening and needed air, so head upstairs to go out and on the way find my mate, who wants to head to the club opposite.

So once I've found my friend, I spot the fit asian girl sat on her own, I say her name, she looks around and....

Me: Just wanted to say bye and hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.
Her: Where are you going?
Me: To a club
Me: By the way thanks for the fake number (Said it laughingly), it's a shame as I just wanted to grab a coffee.
Her: That wasn't me, it was my stupid's my business card, call me.
Me: Kiss her on a her cheek and head to the club.


After enjoying myself thoroughly dancing to a bit of funky house, I spot a HB8 with a HB4 and whilst she's walking past tap her on the shoulder and introduce myself...

Me: Hi, my names .....
Her: Smiles, mines ...... (at this point we shake hands but we hold each other hands for longer than you would usually).
Me: talking random crap about how her evening is going etc.
Her: Can't hear what she's saying....the music is too loud.
Me: Listen I'd really like to carry on this conversation when we can both hear each other, (Laugh)
Her: (Giggles) yes that sounds good, do you want my number.


So that was my night, 90 % of which i spent on my own but I had a blast, I honestly didn't care and was speaking to people I didn't know. I honestly do believe confidence has a big part to play in all this, as it's all about perception.

I've contacted both girls and am in process of arranging dates.
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