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BCB BCB is offline
Parachute Panic Champion, Mahjong Champion
Default 26-01-2011, 11:40 AM

10% is a good goal, yes. Remember that the only really accurate way to measure is with calipers over 4+ points and done by a professional. Those electric machines are cack. Don't get me started on why, they just are.

And l I have lots of thoughts on diet yes.

The general rule is everything in moderation and regular small meals (5-7 a day) rather than larger irregular meals.

You want to take most of your carbs first thing in the morning (large amount of porridge oats for example) and ideally a dose of protein - I recommend MyProtein Hurricane Evo (Hurricane Evo from Myprotein) to jumpstart the system and keep you energised throughout the day.

Then, for your smaller meals try things mixing a piece of carbs (small potato, half a cup of rice, porridge oats, 50g wholemeal pasta), with a piece of lean protein (tuna, turkey, chicken) and a bit of veg / salad. Add a couple of bits of fruit during the day as snack; drink about 2 litres of water; cut down on tea/coffee and alcohol and you're good to go.

None of the nutritional rules are rocket science, just good general sensible eating.

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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