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Default "Blank Title" [The Nameless Journal] - 19-01-2011, 04:37 PM

Hey guys,

So before I start, Jaz, Tw1sted, please let me know if this complies with the rules of the forum.

The purposes of this journal (diary maybe?) are multiple :

- It will help me keeping track of my evolution, and stay in focus with the objectives I shall define in a short while. Some will be short term and easy, some will require long term commitment and I wish to keep them in mind.
- Keep track of my field reports in one single thread, as I like to keep things tidy
- Centralise the advice you guys can give; obviously if I post all my field reports in the same thread, you will spot the sticking points and I will be able to retrive easily your specific tips as they won't be cluttered all around this board.
- Try and improve my English, because as some may know, I'm French born. So don't hesitate to correct me.

A little more about myself first, with some elements from my introduction for the many who may have missed it.

I'm Nameless, I've been in London for a year and a half, and arrived while I was in a long distance LTR with a tall and fit brunette. after 2 years of an happy relationship, I found out back in august that she had cheated on me
and went through a 2 months one-itis.

When I emerged, I wanted to have more fun in my life, whichever way was alright. At the same time I got interested in self-improvement, and started to read books about social interactions, body language and group dynamics. Yes, I got into the game.
This was an epiphany... I still feel very AFC, but at least it feels that I can see more clearly now.

Fun fact : Rebus used to be my flatmate. As we shared roof, I didn't know about pickup art. 3 months after I moved, we randomly discovered on a night out at Ministry of Sound that we spoke the same language. From that day, it was on...

So far, I've already accomplished big steps: my self-confidence has massively improved (although I started 4 months ago, I still feel like a total noob when I'm around some of you *stares at Rebus*), I'm able to engage interaction with random people that I'm not attracted to. I have a superpower though : I can get into the friendzone of any girl I'm attracted to... I collect them, and they are here everyday to remind me that this is not my purpose, although friendship is something I highly value.

To breakdown my objectives quickly they would be as follow :

- Get rid of AA. Or at least try to shut up the voice that repeats "What if ..." when I want to approach.
- After opening, successfully show my intention, whether it is directly or indirectly.
- Get my fashion sorted out.
- Lose 20 Kg. I've already lost 15 since I started to hit the gym regularly. I'm fairly overweight, so think will probably a massive step for my confidence.
- Have a proper boxing fight, on a ring and with audience and shit. I do boxing once a week since nearly a year. At first this was part of my all around fitness program but I enjoy it so much, I would like to try 'the real deal'
- Try and work my way out of friend zones. This will be tough, but I'm done with this shit :

Any advice will be welcome

Fail, but fail better!
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