Thread: Humility...
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Halcyon Halcyon is offline
Default Humility... - 09-01-2011, 02:41 AM

Unfortunately, for many men there’s a lot of arrogance and bravado that go hand in hand with meeting and attracting beautiful women. Guys often like to claim they have an amazing ability at picking up women, and regularly boast about their conquests. In fact there’s even a collective belief that arrogance is something women are attracted to. However, it’s not a belief that matches my experience of meeting and attracting women. I can’t remember any time when arrogance has served me well in my dating life, in fact it’s humility that has served me best.

It’s in appreciating that I have no idea what will happen when I interact with a woman that allows me to step into the moment without any thoughts clouding my mind. Thoughts are often of an arrogant nature, thoughts think they know what could and should happen next. However, no thought ever really knows what is going to happen next, how could it? And the presumption that an interaction should unfold in a particular way is the ultimate arrogance, and only serves to create an attitude of indignation.

I’ve heard things like “I complimented her and she didn’t even appreciate it”, or, “I tried to talk to her and she wouldn’t even stop to talk to me”, all too many times. Guys presume that if they act in a certain way then the women they talk to should respond exactly as they expect, and when they don’t the guys become incensed by it. However, in reality, there is no rule book or code of conduct for human interaction. How can you possibly expect that any other individual should or shouldn’t act in any particular way! In human interactions anything and everything can and does happen.

If we can be humble enough to stop trusting and engaging our thoughts, humble enough to stop thinking that we know how it will or should be, then we can enjoy two major benefits to our interactions. First, we can free our minds from the cloudiness and haze of thinking that often prevents us from accesing our conversational creativity. Second, we can save ourselves from the indignation that stifles us when things don’t happen as we think they should.

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

— T.S. Eliot

If you can enter the ultimate state of humility, the state of not-knowing, then there’s no way that you can feel indignant when a woman responds in a certain way, because you have no expectations of how they should or shouldn’t act. Consequently, you can continue to interact without a sense of unfairness. For instance, if a woman doesn’t respond to a compliment then you can continue conversing without being affected, and perhaps later in the interaction she’ll become more receptive. Similarly, if you want to talk to a woman and she doesn’t stop walking to talk to you, you don’t have to be outraged by it, instead you can just walk and talk with her.

Next time you want to talk to an attractive woman, try going in without any expectations. Don’t have any outcome in mind or any belief that the woman should or shouldn’t act in particular way. Step into the void and experience the aliveness that comes from being humble enough to not-know.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never the way that you made them feel." -Maya Angelou
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