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Midas touch Midas touch is offline
Default New year's resolution - 07-01-2011, 12:07 PM

I have decided to be strict with myself this year and make sure that I am doing plenty of cold approaches. I need to get this part nailed, especially in the daytime.

Also at night, up until now, I have just been opening sets when I felt like it and with no rules. This was great at first when I was new to this and full of naive enthusiasm, believing I'd swallowed some kind of magic pill.

In fact, I can't believe how well it worked at first, as I had absolutely no anticipation of it going wrong. I was opening sets left right and centre, using canned material and they were lapping it up.

After about two weeks of doing this I was making out with girls early on in the night and had no need to keep opening. I shagged four girls in one week, which has to be a record for me. All this came after a relatively dry patch, that had lasted a few months, with one or two wet spells.

Then, as I got tired of doing the same routines, they stopped working as well. I started getting blown out more often; the magic pill was wearing off. My approaches began to lack the energy and boldness of before. Had it all been one big placebo?

I tried going uber direct and being overtly sexual. That was a fucking disaster. But at the same time, indirect was no longer yielding the fantastic results that it previously had been.

I knew deep down what had to be done. My inner game needed a rehaul!

I downloaded and listened to RSD's The Blueprint decoded, which consciously confirmed many things for me that I already knew subconsciously.

I stopped using routines and got laid twice just by being cool. One was a girl that I had cold approached two months before, the other was a language exchange that I had met on the internet.

At the same time, I would go out at night and "just be". I was self amused, didn't care about the outcome, and didn't need anybody's validation, let alone the self validation of being a successful PUA. But guess what happened... nothing. I would just chat with whoever was near and I stopped making approaches all together.

So yesterday afternoon I went out into the city and did 6 cold approaches, all of which went reasonably well.

When the night came, I went out and did another 5. I got horribly blown out in the first two sets. The first two girls actually ran away from me as soon as I opened my mouth. The second set told me, "You've already asked us that question, we're talking."

After that, I was a bit deflated and I really had to force myself to open again. Fortunately, the next set (6 girls 2 guys) were fantastic. I opened one of the guys first. They were very welcoming indeed and even poured me a glass of champagne, as it was the birthday of one of them. I stayed with them a good half an hour and facebook closed them all.

Then I approached two girls, one of whom was a 10, compared to all the other girls there (elsewhere her rank may differ). Immediately her friend told me, "She has a boyfriend." I just looked at her with a confused expression and asked, "Why are you telling me this? That's her business."

Then one of their bfs appeared. He was Sicilian but had bright red hair. I just threw my arm around his shoulder and said, "Oh, you mean this guy? But he's my cousin. He's Irish really." They all laughed and let down their defences. There was no way to move ahead though.

I opened one more girl, who was very friendly but her AMOG friend came along. I still slipped her a card with my facebook details and phone number on.

After I had done my five cold approaches I spent the rest of the night just taking it easy and chatting with people that I already know.

At the end of the night, I literally bumped into some super hot hipster girl that I know from a previous cold approach. We had a little hug and a dance but then she went to the bathroom and I needed to go home as I had to get up for work this morning.

Okay, the moral of this story is that BOTH inner and outer game are needed. One hand washes the other. If you have no inner game your approaches can come across as creepy, at worst, and lacklustre at best. If you only have inner game you will just sit there smiling to yourself and take no action. I know nutters on the street that have great inner game. The dalai lama has arguably the best inner game in the world but I don't believe he gets laid that often or indeed wants to.

With that said, my new year's resolution is that, no matter how I feel, when I go out during the day to sarge, I MUST do at least five approaches and the same goes for night. It's time to get disciplined with this shit.

Last edited by Midas touch; 07-01-2011 at 06:01 PM.
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