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Knave Knave is offline
Default 04-01-2011, 11:30 PM

Wow pretty amazing, I had to look at the pics twice could'nt believe it.

Look i'm not going to start a give you advice which I think you already know your anxiety is your biggest foe, but the other guys have told you how best to beat that. Just keeping plugging away.

I do have one tip if you get girls asking you to draw them, this is your best bet early on, I mean you have a captive audience where are thye going to go, you got loads of time to chat if you can chat and draw at the same time.

Say something like I'd like to finish off the detailing at home whats your email address I'll email you finished picture, o whats you mobile number same reason.

If you can get her to come back draw her at hers or yours even better.

and one more thing leave the lez drawings at home.

but yeh fucking good artist man

Don’t think about rejection shouldn’t even enter your head, don’t think about it, just do it, no hesitations. Talk to her.

It’s the only way to get good

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