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BCB BCB is offline
Parachute Panic Champion, Mahjong Champion
Default 04-01-2011, 02:24 PM

Option 1: Spend £500 on a two day course learning to do shit that you could easily learn from talking to people on here

Option 2: Spent that same £500 on getting some awesome hats (trust me, chicks love hats), clothes, peacocking gear or whatever... and then with your new look and new swagger, head out and just talk to some people. You can just say "Hi, quick question, I just bought this new [hat / necklace / ring / sunglasses]... what do you think?"

End of the day, I've found that PUA is about the individual, not some set of rules that tell you how you should and shouldn't act. You become a better at playing football by going out and playing football. You get better at pick-up by going out and trying a few pick-ups. And remember, you probably didn't score the first 100 goals you shot, but you learnt the way to beat the keeper in the end because you took shot after shot after shot until you had it nailed (pun very much intended)

"Can't is the cancer of happen" - Charlie Sheen
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