Thread: cube
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Midas touch Midas touch is offline
Default 24-12-2010, 02:39 PM

The Cube
The cube is a personality game that can hook a beautiful
girls attention within a few minutes of meeting her or create
connection and*rapport*later on in the interaction.
Tell her you can ask her five questions and know more about
her than she knows about herself. This will immediately*peak
her curiosity. Tell her to visualize a desert plateau and a sky.
Within her field of vision appears a cube.
Ask her what size the cube is, what it’s made of, and if she’s
facing a corner of the cube or a flat surface?
Tell her to add a ladder to the scene. Where is it? What is it
made of? Is it sturdy enough to climb?
Tell her to picture some flowers in the scene. Are there a lot or
few? Where are they in respect to the cube? Let her describe
them. How do they make her feel?
Tell her to add a horse to the scene. Where is it? What is it
doing? What is the horse’s personality in three words.
Tell her to add to the scene a storm. Is it violent or gentle?
Near or far?
After you’re done*tease her a little*and tell her it’s just a joke
and there’s no point or meaning! Not only is that fun and funny,
but constantly teasing her like this will*increase sexual tension.
Then tell her the meaning
On all five objects let her give you as much detail as she’s willing
to give. The more she gives you the more you have to work with,
create an enjoyable experience, and*spark attraction. Feel free to
interpret any metaphors not covered as you see them.. Some would
even say that most metaphors are universal or at least similar within
cultures, so have at it.
Use your intuition*to help guide your interpretation, make educated
guesses about the meanings, and*cold-read girls*based on what you
already know or can surmise about her.

The cube is her. The size reflects her ego or self-image. Grounded cubes
are very practical and pragmatic, while floating cubes are more creative
and artistic.
People who face the corner of the cube are more visionary and people who
face the flat side are more detail oriented.

The material of the cube is her personality*so use your imagination. If it’s
steel or ice she’s hard to get to know at first.. but sweet and sensitive under
the surface. If it’s warm she’s friendly and intuitively knows good people
when she comes across them (you). Glass means she shows her emotions
and solid means she’s more protected.
The ladder is her ambitions in life. The closer it is to the cube the more
focused she is on her life-goals. If it’s tall she has big ambitions. If it’s short
she’s satisfied with the simple things in life or is close to her goals. If it’s
sturdy she feels she can reach her goals.
The flowers are her friends. If they’re close she has close friends and and
if they’re far away she has mostly acquaintances. If they’re all the same
color she hangs out with the same types of people and if they’re different
she hangs out with a variety of people.
The horse is her ideal man. What she says about the personality of the
horse are what she wants in a guy. If it’s moving towards the cube she’s
looking for a new love interest and if it’s moving away she’s getting over
someone or growing apart from a current lover. If it’s standing still her
relationship is stagnating or isn’t going anywhere.
The storm represents her problems in life. If its big her problems are taking
up a lot of mental space. if it’s small she’s a carefree type of person. If its
moving towards the cube it’s building stress. If it’s moving away she’s just
come away from some troubling circumstances.
As you’re giving the cube build up suspense by saying things like, “That tells
me a lot”, “I had a feeling you’d say that” “Are you serious?”, etc. This raises
the curiosity level and*makes it a more fun experience. She might even hit
you, which is a great way to initiate*kino*and begin escalating touch and physical closeness.
Most importantly,*put a positive spin on everything. Nothing negative shall
leave your lips at any time. Make it hopeful, fun, and in your favor. Maybe
destiny is drawing you together.. Perhaps the horse is you…
When you’re done*ask how accurate she feels it is. I usually get about an 8
or 9. The cube rocks!
Practice*the cube on friends and family members to get smooth and congruent
with it. Good luck!
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