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Rebus Rebus is offline
Default 22-12-2010, 11:33 PM

we were at this house party the other day and the way she was looking at and interacting with this guy was making me super jealous. I had to leave the room to get my head together.
OK, so there's something where it could be -- you have the wrong impression of her, her behaviour could be totally innocent and you really are whack and don't get it, or her behaviour was inappropriate and unintentional, or (worst!) her behaviour was inappropriate and intentional

so guess what... talk to her

but this comes with the warning that... don't open your heart up and go crazy, just keep it simple to be constrained on focussing on understanding each other, discuss the party thing with her. A single specific thing to talk about; she can generalise if she wants to. Best not to freak her out by turning several specific things and vague feelings into a general "I don't trust you" statement as that's way too dangerous. Mark of a paranoid!

PS -- paranoia will destroy ya. Paranoia is increased by lack of sleep. Get more sleep.
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