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Rebus Rebus is offline
Default 03-12-2010, 11:35 PM

7) I don't normally name Wings here, but I feel this must be said - Rebus gets you laid - fact!!

Americano V2 was a girl from a set he originally opened. Thanks man! I might never have talked to her if it wasn't for you engaging their group! In fact I think he assisted getting another guy from here laid that night too!!
aaaawwwwww Snake Eyes, that's nice man,.... come here give a big man-hug.

no trannies (#204) with us this time, it'll just be u me and a big man-hug!

It was wicked that you upgraded from tranny to fanny in the same night!

I missed some of the group's pickup activity while I got away from you guys for a while to entertain my size 10 hottie on the dancefloor (thanks Snake to walking with me after her while I briefly stalked her b4 re-opening her) then quickly RV'ed with u lot, then catch a nightbus home... hit the office the next day and after six hours sleep I was on a caffeine binge.

One number-close and one k-close across two birds was fair paydirt, though that Irish bird has replied to my texts with such half-wit ignorance about my continued jovially light-hearted theme of pisstake on her of the Irish debt bailout that we just aren't on the same page (we'd been doing that theme in person, so didn't seem outrageous to continue it on text; BTW that was THE TOPICAL NEWS STORY of that day or that week and she happened to be from the Emerald Isle.).
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