Thread: A few questions
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Maxemillion Maxemillion is offline
Default 23-11-2010, 01:19 PM

THe core principles are similar to sales technique, core confidence. You can walk up and say 'My name's SickFace and I have JUST trodden in dog mess' and if you say it right (Cocky funny) with a grin and holding relaxed eye contact it will be interesting, amusing and mysterious.

In my opinion as soon as you approach they are thinking 'this guy is probably here to try and bone me' most guys will kind of deny this as they speak 'oh I'm just being friendly.' But if you convey 'I know how to play, I know what women need from a guy' instead, you get a lot more of a chance from them to sell yourself enough to make a solid bond. (and shag them).

The best form of PUAistry is when you are so confident from previous successes that you can forget all the psychological sociological concepts involved in human interaction and call them all bollocks. Then you've made it to natural alpha state.

The most important aspect is being relaxed and comfortable with yourself. I found the concept of separating ego and self esteem very helpful. Self esteem is core, it has no reasoning. Its how good and centred and happy you feel as a young young child by default. Remember it and you feel it again. Then you can see your ego as a separate thing that you built yourself based on your perceived social status.

The ego is supposed to protect us but also limits our actions. In your face Phil. Lol

The Fuckest Uppest
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