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Joe_Fresh Joe_Fresh is offline
Default 08-11-2010, 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by kowalski View Post
You are your mind. Your mind is you. You are not only your mind, you are more than that, but it is you.

People who have voices in their heads that don't belong to them are insane. The voice in my head is me.

My arm is me. It is not other.

Statements like 'you are not the feeling you are the one experiencing the feeling' is to totally misunderstand what a feeling is. A feeling can't exist without a feeler. They are a singularity.

Play the thought experiment for yourself. Can there be feelings without beings to feel them? Detached feelings independently existent? No!

A feeling by definition is something felt.

Consciousness is a random evolutionary outcome.

You have higher-level consciousness because you have the type of brain you have.

Inside computers are all these electrons zipping around according to fixed rules. Outside computers are all visceral simulations, whole worlds to explore, the graphics, the gameplay etc.

These two are the same machine just viewed from a different angle.

This is analogous to brain and consciousness. Brains zip electrons all over. Consciousness is visceral.

Tolle is so stupid, makes so many category mistakes, makes up history, he's dumb.

All the people I know who are sucked in by Tolle, as Phil said, don't have the requisite knowledge and linguistic skills to engage with the material.

If you are in the presence of a higher intelligence, you can either tenaciously hold on to your beliefs or succumb to theirs. If the lower intelligence person is not especially tied into their current beliefs and if they are sold the idea that they will benefit from new beliefs, then they will succumb.

This is brute.

Camarda et al, you have been tricked and seduced by a greater linguist.



RIGHT! lets do this

am i my mind, no, it is only part of me.
am i my balls, no, they are only part of me.
i was born with both but neither define me singularly.
so who am i.
depends on the definition of "i"
its possible to say i am the sum of all things in my body.
but i would also still be "me" if i lost some of those things in my body e.g. an arm, a leg etc..
so where is the line at which if i keep taking things away i am no longer me.
where is this irreducible minimum.
tbh i dont know. i dont think anyone does, but in any case this isnt even important haha

essentially Tolle has used a poor choice of words to describe his theory. his initial categorisation of the mind is BS. as a result his theory doesn't withstand critical analysis unscathed. however the criticism levied is actually only skin deep. the crux of what he is getting at is still totally valid, insightful and enlightening. once a person realises his misuse of words and the glaring criticism thereof it becomes aparant that this still does not take anything away from his underlying point.

essentially tolle is wrong to say that that voice in our heads is not us. it is. but it is only part of us. serioulsy what teh fcuk else could the voice be. sure its possible that a foreign entity has entered us and is fucking with us lke a mutant version of those worms that can live in people for decades. but really though, the whole of the worlds population?

tolle has recognised that we think alot, compulsively even and that our minds focus on the past and future way more than it needs to. he also recognises that our minds can fuck us over sometimes and that it can regularly be bad for our health and indeed sabotage us. WHY does it do this? well in my opinion because our minds are not perfect and they misjudge stuff. if they were perfect we'd all be alot happier.

Now instead of merely saying that are minds are abit shit tolle said our minds are not us. i can only assume he is saying this because our minds do not always act in our best interests. to take such a stance however is absolute BS.

put simply are minds are part of us but they are not perfect and dont always act in a positive way for us. yes we can be our own worse nightmares. so again our minds are part of us. they are a natural tool just like our arms and legs. unlike our arms and legs however our mind operates in a hidden way and on many many different levels consciously and subconsciously. this is its nature and so its nature is vastly different to the nature fo our arms and legs. if our arms/legs started causing us problems we would be able to see it and likely strap them down. this is not possible with our minds, we cannot visually see the crap it causes us, we only suffer the effects of it, if we could see how it screws us over we would probably kick the shit out of it.


tolle is wrong in his initial categorisation and wording. but his underlying point is to simply shine a light on the complexity of the mind and its operations. to enable people, to as objectively as possible, notice its operations, whether via the mind itself or via consciousness or whatever. speaking for myself i really didnt know how much of a little bitch my mind could be, now i do. now i can remain objectively vigilant, temper it and even turn it off sometimes. i can exert control over that part of myself via myself. i am no longer at the mercy of that part of myself when it wants to be self destructive. and this is no small thing!

peace yall!

ps k dogg ur gay and phil ur full of shite mate

love makin sh*t happen!

Last edited by Joe_Fresh; 08-11-2010 at 09:40 PM.
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