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Snake Eyes Snake Eyes is offline
Jason's Pong Champion, Snakeman Steve Champion, Hexxagon Champion, Breakout Champion, Zookeeper Champion
Default 07-11-2010, 10:42 PM

This has been quite an emotionally draining week!
So last time I left you. I had AA and was seriously questioning the whole PUA thing! The AA has gone, I am still questioning the PUA thing still, but I think that's due to the effects it is having on other areas of my life more than anything else. Anyway I will get onto that and may need some advice, but for now I'm sure you will want to know how the chellenge has been going, so lets play.....

Monday 1 Nov

I couldn't walk properly due to my run and had just had dental surgery. Forced myself to go out!

127) Street. Asked where Uni-Glow is to 2 Spanish girls. Was really to get rid of AA more than anything. Brief chat, not overly fit so left.

128) Street. Passed a hot girl working in a shop. Thought, go direct bitch. Went back and just as I was about to her boss walks over, so I say 'oh you don't sell mens' stuff here'. We laughed a bit and talked about tutus, but ultimately lame and a result of AA.

129) Street. You look lost. Looked scared.

130) Street. Right go direct bitch! I did. Fitty with a sexy shoulder showing. I told her she was cute and said it must the shoulder thing (was weakly delivered though). We got to introcuding each other, but she seemed to be getting more and more freaked out. Hmm said she was waiting for her BF and didn't like talking to strangers. This response was the reult of low confidence approach.

131) Cafe. Asked the time. Urrgghh! As you would suspect, not the most sexually charged of interactions!

Met my sister later who asked why I was smiling so creepily all the time! Hmm that will be the dentist work. That could explain the freaked outness earlier with 130)!!

Tues 2 Nov

Still feeling dejected about the whole thing, but is a new day!

132) Asked what fireworks displays are on this week and went into story about Victoria Park ones the year before! Guessed wrongly where she was from. language barriers so ejected.

Met a wing from here. First time meeting, so we went for a drink and chat first. Cool guy!

133) 2 set Bar, something about fireworks again. Asked if we could join them. They said yes. Good little interaction. Good little N close. My text game has ruined this later this week (will get onto this). I was 50:50 on meeting her for a date anyway though!

134) 3 set Bar fireworks. Teased her about not been a real girl and called her Pinocia! Logistics were wrong for my friend who was too far away from his. However, we did take them to the L Sq fairground and I went on this huge mental ride that went fucking high with Pinocia. It was awesome (the ride, not the girl or my game). I felt like I was in Space!! N closed after. She has flaked though. Again I think my text game ruined this. Its strange, I think I am quite a witty person and write quite well, but my text game sucks! I think this is because my texts are not me, they are over thinked bullshitty chode texts!

135) 3 set bar fireworks. Sit down. There was 1 fit one who gave me the goo, 1 mediocre one who I would do and a less attractive one too. My wing sat opposite the average one and I sat in between fit and doable. I was flirting well between the 2, I was with and playing them off against each other. They were sisters so this was easy. I guessed the fit one was the little sister as she was copying the body language of the other. They found this funny and got fitty riled up.
I could see my wing was trapped with average and I couldn't see how this was going to work if I isolated fitty, as doable would be left out and get pissed off. Also I wanted my wing to have a nice one too. I chatted more to doable one and my wing was chatting to fitty more. It ended up me creating quite a bit of raport with doable. I number closed her and I could see fitty was a little cheesed off by this. I had now created a pairing. Now I really liked my new wing here and was happy for him as he was building raport with fitty, but it was my set and I should have stuck with fitty, instead of settling for 2nd best. I must stress this was completely my own fault not my wings though! Should make a decision and stick to it!
Regardless we moved onto another next bar and I isolated doable. Rule 4 in effect!! Sex on the cards. Make up remaining approaches in the next 48 hours! However, every time it got to the point of kissing she seemed to go off the idea! Was weird, as I could tell she liked me.
Then disaster struck and 2 guys turn up, one of which was fitty's ex-BF (apparently - not sure if I believe this now - I think it may have been him who told my wing this!). They did buy us lots of drinks which was good for me, because I enjoy drinking but it did up the stakes a bit and gave the girls more value. I was still isolating mine, but I could see my wing was having a hard time with fitty!
Eventually it got so late and my wing had to get off. I stayed for a bit and said to doable one, 'look I want to kiss you' as I was getting really pissed off with her backing away every time we were about too. And only now after like 3 hours she tells me she can't she has a BF. Arrghh that will explain why she kept pulling away at the point of kissing! Also explains why her friends were a bit weird when we were left alone together. I left with a mere contact in Sweden and nothing else! I should have been clearer from the start, but I had been so indecisive about which one I wanted. Make a decision and go for it!
Now what I should have done is isolated my original target early on and made it clear I fancied her, still tease her and use doable one as a friend to gang up on her (like Jaz's guide to working a 2 set). I then should have isolated her and upped the sexualness. I'm not sure if she would have gone for it, but it would have saved a lot of time either way. My wing and I could have gone looking for more instead if need be!

Wed 3 Nov

4 hours sleep! Hungover!

136) Street. Cafe opener! Went no where

137) Street Hired gun 1 - Flirty chat

138) Hired Gun 2 - Flirty chat. I have developed a new formula for hired guns which I'm going to test soon.

139) Sitting girl Cov G. Fireworks. She left. Fit should have been more direct!

140) Asked about a building. Chatted for a bit. Not fit enough on 2nd thoughts!

(This has nothing to do with pick up, but I just had a shit and a friggin undigested noodle (I hope!) came out of my arse!! - sorry I really don't hold back in these reports!)

Thurs 4 Nov

Up at 6 to go to the gym. So knackered, but here we go!

141) Left work to meet wing. Whilst I was waiting I did the old cafe opener and low and behold it finally worked. I got a number from it. She asked me if I always approach women asking about cafes. I laughed and said she was the first that day (haha)! Haven't text her yet, I should today.In fact I have just posted advice about it......

142) Met 2 wings and they were off direct approaching everyone they saw! This kind of freaked me out and I went totally inside my own head. Eventually I did 1 and I went it real nervously and had to bail.

143) Street. Tried direct on a 2 set for the first time. Was slightly unconfident as I was still really in my own head! I ended up telling the friend that her friend was hot instead of saying it to my target. Target looked bemused and her friend got pissed off. 'Right ok' she said angrily and pulled her friend away. Hmmmm need to work out how to do 2 sets directly on the street. A few of my wings say that they only do 1 sets cos of this. Others say they never do day game. One even said 'even MPUAs' don't like to pick up on the tube!!' What is the bullshit people! This is called situational conifdence and doesn't mean you are good with woman - just in certain situations. We need to amplify and exert confidence at all times!!

144) Still feeling really inside my own head and trapped. This is the feeling that got me into PUA. I suddenly had real performance anxiety in front of my wings and was not my true self by any means, just a watered down version. This is a probalem at work and other areas of my life too. I need to work out a way out of it! After ages I see a girl with hot legs and stand there like a dribbling mess for a bit until I say 'right, fuck it, I say, I'm been a pussy - lets go!!
I go in direct say she has amazing legs and looks stunning. She responds well and says that's made her feel really good. We chat for a bit and then I walk her to the club she is going as she was going the wrong way. I ask for her number. She says she is seeing someone. I say ok I will meet you half way this time. What's your FB. She gives it to me. In fact I'm going to befriend and message her now (non-flake)!

145) Is she fit - should I do it! Ok, lets just go indirect and see. Asked about a bus - oh shit she is fit and I should have gone direct!

146) Is she fit - should I do it! Asked about the tube, then went direct and told her she was stunning. Was weird though - she could see through my tube comment after this and made me seem phoney and she smelled a pussy that was not hers! Stupid brain - yes they are fit!! Now go do something about it and stop trying to protect me from a phantom danger you socially conditioned pile of pink shit!!

(Rule 4 complete)


1) Texting - my texts are still boring sometimes. Use role plays and be cocky fun instead of this. Be silly. Be sexual. Respond how you want to, not how she would expect by changing meanings of what she says etc. See these 2 pages...

'Quick opinion please......' by Snake EyesŽ/blog/...making-it-easy

Helped me out!

2) This is hard to do when your feeling fucked, but you can still snap out of it!

3) Wings - Have signals for who you want and which obstacles you want them to deal with. Have a code to eject too (e.g. what time are we meeting so and so - either not for a bit (stay) or yeah we need to go see them actually (go)).

4) Make a decision - who you want and stick to it!

5) Make your intentions clear so you don't waste time.

6) Hired Guns - flexible frame work I am going to test....
Open - Hi (no need for anything else),
silly chat/flirt
make it clear you don't want to buy there crap
SOI (always make your intentions clear - I can't stress how important this is - I have wasted so much time this week by not doing this - will tell you more when I update Fri and Sat)
comfort (I use - so why do you do this? I'm sure you didn't dream of been a cow girl selling shots to sweaty men when you were 8 (or whatever) and go into her passions etc)
close - listen I need to go what's the best way to contact you (we can go to this or whatever if you were talking about something in particular)

7) Direct on 2 sets is hard as the other one will be jeolous! I think I will try this - indirect open, quickly SOI target, then befriend obstacle and go on from there (see Jaz's guide to wroking 2 set - V good). May also test direct on 2 sets a bit more too.

8) You are not a naturally confident male if you aren't always consistent any time any place! Work toward this - not a silly little PUA trick you can brag about!!

9) Direct is still king! The only pussy in the opener should be the one you want to stick your cock into!!

I have so much to say still, but my time is so limited at the moment with this!! Hopefully can write more tomorrow.....
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