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maestro maestro is offline
Default 07-11-2010, 11:07 AM

I think I should elaborate on my last post.

I went to a wedding party on Friday night. The girl I fancy was there with her BF (which I knew would be the case). I tried to avoid her, but she beckoned me outside for a cigarette (even tho I don't smoke).

A few of us were talking outside, her BF nearby. And there was a 10 min period where she didn't shut up about him (not saying how great he is, just stuff about his family, who he knows etc). Strangely (or not), this was the first time she'd ever really spoken about him infront of me (but she has a tendency to talk a lot after a few drinks). Which is fine, of course she's entitled to speak about her BF. But it made incredibly jealous and frustrated to the point of anger. Pathetic I know.

But I'm gald for it because it has forced me to finally take a different attitude, one of acceptance. Acceptance of the fact that I fancy her and like her, but that she has a BF that she must love, who've bought a house together and could be together for a very long time. But also acceptance of the fact that that's life, and more importantly that there are thousands of other women out there available who are probably better than her. This seems pretty obvious, but identifying with this viewpoint and placing total emphasis on it has been a massive struggle. But the natural inclination to want her badly despite the circumstances was unavoidable. If someone could tell me why that is, I'd be interested to hear.

Originally Posted by Darood View Post
If you find yourself thinking about someone excessively just consider this.

Are they relevent to what your doing right now?

If not focus on what your doing and do it well.

Where memory dwells, Love takes throne.

Thanks for the posts guys.
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