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SashaPua SashaPua is offline
Default Stop being an indirect little bitch - 02-11-2010, 07:52 PM

Got your attention?


I’ve been learning a lot of stuff from David X and Alan Roger Currie recently as I’ve been doing alot of skype interviews with those guys …. and my game is going through a “Direct” phase shift… I’m just becoming more forward with women…. Slowly but surely I'm noticing a few things going on.

First off, it’s a fucking relief actually just telling girls I want to get in their pants.. instead of hiding that shit hoping to impress them first, then hitting on ‘em later. I was being kinda direct the last year, but I'd still be a bitch at times. That's happening less and less....

What I’m going to tell you is that you will actually get laid MORE by telling women the TRUTH (I.E – that you are there for SEX!)

That's right. Aren’t you guys TIRED of lying/misleading women? I’m not just talking about the outright lies like “Uh, yeah, I make 100k a year” or “I used to date a model”. Heh - I’m talking about the one big lie we’re ALL living every day. All of us walking around, talking to women like fucking them is the last thing on our mind.

You all know what I’m talking about. You’re standing behind some cutie in the grocery store, and you say “Hey, that’s a lot of groceries!” and she says “yeah… we all gotta eat!” … and you say “Yeap”

And then nothing.

You’re at a bus stop…. There’s some cute woman standing around. You say “Do you know how long till the next bus?” …. “Yea, should be here in a few minutes….”
“ah that’s a relief, I thought we’d be out here all day!”

And then nothing. Maybe you make some other BS small talk, which goes nowhere....

Or … in any one of a million situations

“Hey, nice day out there isn’t it?”
“yea, it’s beautiful today”
“hope it keeps up!”

What you’re really thinking is “God damn, you’re hot as fuck. I’d like to kick those groceries out of your hands and make sweet love to you, right here on this counter!”

Lots of guys are stuck “opening” and then it goes NOWHERE. Because, they’re trying to make conversation in order to build comfort. It’s bullshit. The women know it’s bullshit…. You feel awkward for trying to make up BS small talk. Also, the little voice in your head is saying “You’re full of shit, asshole” as you’re trying to talk to her!

And hey, that’s assuming you’ve taken the step and actually STARTED a conversation. Some of you will just sit around and stare at women. In either case – you know what you REALLY want to say.

You’re thinking you’d like to tell her she’s hot as all hell, and that you’d like to take you out for a drink some time…. But for some reason, you don’t…..

How about this one: You’ve been “Friends” with a woman you’re attracted to for weeks, months, or even years? Are you still hoping to “Get in there?”

You WANT to say….”Hey listen. I think you’re hot. I’d like nothing more than to go to bed with you, and exchange orgasms with you for hours on end."

That’s probably what you’re really thinking. But you never tell ‘em what you’re really thinking – do you?


Probably like the vast majority of men, you don’t believe you can be honest and upfront with women about your intentions. You probably think if you came up to a woman and expressed sexual intent, she’d go ape shit. To say something that “Crazy” would result in the woman calling the police, swearing at you, or her trying to kick you in the nuts!

What if I told you the probability of any of those things happening is near ZERO? In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Women don’t flip out.

In fact – most women are extremely flattered to be approached in this manner. If they have a boyfriend, they often apologize profusely for not being able to go out on a date with you. In either case there are flattered, happy… and more often than not willing to have a bit of a chat.

The vast majority of women are tired of their romantic prospects beating around the bush, making nice, and trying to be their “Friend”.

They are even more tired of their male “Friends” trying to get into their pants!

Do you really think women don’t know what you’re really after in all of those scenario’s? Let’s not underestimate the fairer sex fellas. Women aren’t stupid. In fact, they are much better at figuring out “What’s really going on” than we are.

If you approach a woman directly, and let her know you’re interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with her, there’s only 3 things that can happen. Yes yes… I KNOW - I can hear you all thinking “Ok sure… but WHAT IF SHE REJECTS ME?

Fine then. Let’s start with …..


So what? Who cares? Does it really matter what some woman you don’t even KNOW thinks? That took 10 seconds of your time. Big deal. Now you know where you stand, and you can move on to the next woman! Even the women that turn you down will appreciate your directness - as it wastes a lot less of their time, as well as a lot less of yours!

Next best scenario… and this is what will happen the vast majority of the time: Women will be interested in chatting to you and getting to know you better. In other words “Maybe….”

From here – just have a chat and see if you’ve got some chemistry going with the woman. Make sure to keep your eye on the prize and never forget that you’re trying to get her to agree to meet up with you at some point in the future. Don’t let yourself veer off to uninteresting small talk. Your conversation should be focused on getting to know her, and figuring out what similarities you’ve got.... but ultimately you should be trying to find out if there’s a “click” or not!

At this point, you can use whatever “Game” works for you. Building comfort, qualifying, blah blah blah. All that stuff. BUT – you’re doing this from a place of strength. You’ve made your intentions clear…. And the conversation is LEADING somewhere – a date between you and her. It’s not going to be a fucking 45 minute conversation that goes NOWHERE!

The best case scenario, of course… is that she agrees to your proposition! Get her number and arrange a time to meet up – or better yet, go on a date with her right there and then! You never know - you might even end up in bed with her that very same night! Hey – some women are not only available – buy horny and sexually promiscuous! Fantastic. If you do get her number, stick around and chat to her a little bit afterwords though, just to make sure you have at least a bit of chemistry. Otherwise you may get stuck on a date with a women you don’t even fancy! I’d say keep the interaction 2-3 mins long MAX if you’re being direct. The more you talk after being direct, the more you fall into the friend zone.

There are several advantages to being up front with women.
  • [li]Balls points – as soon as you have the audacity to approach a woman and let her know what your TRUE intentions are – you get MASSIVE points for having the balls to do so. Very few men will approach women in this matter. If you don’t go back to acting like a wuss after your opener – this ALONE can get you laid!
  • [li]Women are instantly attracted to you – Most guys aren’t confident enough to approach directly unless they’re really drunk. By going up to a women and saying what you really feel you generate TONS of attraction in most women automatically.
  • [li]Stand out from other guys – By approaching directly, you’ll set yourself apart from all the guys who use cheesy pick-up lines or faff around with indirect nonsense. They will remember you – which helps a hell of a lot if you end up exchanging phone numbers. Flakes go down simply because THEY REMEMBER THAT YOU HAD BALLS. Also I'm finding the more you talk after being direct, the higher the chances of flakeage. I'm still not sure why - I think the more they have a "normal" conversation with you the more it moves you into the friend zone. By saying little and being direct.... it just keeps their imagination going... and you can't ruin it as you were only there for 2 minutes.
  • [li]No more wasted time - Don’t waste time on women that aren’t interested. The faster you find out she’s not interested, the more time you have to talk to women who ARE interested. Fantastic! -Ever have a 30 minute conversation with a woman you were interested in, only to find out she had a husband/boyfriend? Or maybe she was a lesbian? Or just simply wasn’t interested ? I have – and I wanted to punch myself in the god damn face after every one. When you let a woman know what you’re after she’s forced to let you know whether you've got a chance, or not.
  • [li]Know what to say next - When you’re up front, you have to worry a lot less bout what to say next. If you know what you want, and THE WOMAN knows what you want – then you’ve always got something to talk about. You, and her, hooking up. You don’t have to worry so much about small talk because you KNOW where the conversation is leading. IT doesn't guarantee you're not going to freeze up - but if you do you can always move it forward to "So....... When are you available / what craziness should we get up to when we meet up?"

So…. Next time you see a gorgeous woman, what should you do?

Tell her exactly what you’re thinking – and what you want! It’s not about any specific lines, as long as your intent is clear. Some random examples:

"Excuse me, you look absolutely amazing. I’d like to get to know you …. when are we hooking up?"

"Damn woman, you are fine! Are you married? No? We should get together sometime. When are you available….?”

Or, if you want to add in a bit of humour you can use one of my classic lines.

Sasha “Excuse me, I believe you owe me an apology!”

Sexy Woman “Oh really? Why?”

Sasha “Because, I saw you and had to come over and tell you how hot you look. I’m running late, and now I’m going to be even later! So you DEFINITELY owe me an apology. Why don’t you give me your number, and you can make it up to me some time. When is good for you?

Or, as Alan Roger Currie would do:

“I think you are very attractive, and very sexy. So … when would you like to share my company (in order to exchange orgasms) … next Friday, or next Saturday?”

* - Comment in parentheses only for ultra-bold, “advanced player” types

As David X would run it
Hey sweetheart... I wanna fuck you in the ass! (joke) :P (well, kinda)

Many women will be immediately turned on by you being confident enough to approach them in this manner. By showing that you’re man enough to express your true desires and intentions…. not only will she have more respect for you - she will furthermore appreciate your honesty. She will either tell you she’s not interested, agree to the date, or (in most cases) engage you in a conversation in order to determine whether or not she’s interested.

Either way – you manned up, told the truth, and laid it all out on the line - like a man. And that’s a great place to start!

Good luck, and good hunting!

P.s - Big shoutout and thanks to Alan Roger Currie + David X for helping me with this shift....... it's going to get me a lot of pussy!!

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