Thread: Work colleague
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Default Work colleague - 23-09-2010, 03:46 PM

Interesting afternoon at work... see what you think gents...

I have always made a point to not (consciously at least) try it on/game/flirt/become involved with anyone who I work with, I believe it would make things a bit awkward, particularly if I didn't work out in the long run.

The last few days, and particularly today, my 'boss' (shes always been a friendly boss, and never dominant over any of us, more like a team leader really) has been much 'friendlier'

I train her, specifically I coach her through boxing drills and padwork, so over the last few weeks we have naturally gotten closer and spent more time together than others in the team. She has been texting me a fair bit to arrange time when we will both be around and free for me to train her. Today, she was asking a lot of probing questions about me, and my aspirations (which I took as an IOI). I related to my psychology degree, and decided to DHV by running a cold reading on her, and told her all that I had learnt about her as a person since working with her... "you are ultimately very confident, but can also appear shy". It seemed to work and we had a good old natter about psych. I then let her attempt to cold read me, bit of role play lol, she seemed to appreciate that and also lead to a few laughs.

I am not sure whether I feel it appropriate to game in this situation, however I will make more conscious effort to build and play with rapport, and will add to this with any developments. Just going to play it by ear for the time being

"Invest in yourself!"
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