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Darood Darood is offline
Default Lets Improve Our Lives.. - 29-04-2009, 08:28 PM

This site, this community is dedicated to improving a certain aspect of our lives dealing with our attitudes and our attitudes and relationships with women. But let’s step beyond that for this.
I know from meeting a few of the people here there is defiantly a big self improvement vibe that runs with in the community which I love.

What are the things that you’re currently doing in order to be a better Man?

Here are some of the things I'm currently doing now.

·Setting out a clear list of objectives and goals I will achieve and focus on them until their achieved.
·A work out / fitness regime that’s convenient and suits me I can do every other day.
·A mixture of Yoga and Meditation sessions for improved mental focus and energy.
·Vocal work out to improve voice tonality.
·Waking up a set time and keeping a rhythm to reduce sleepiness and increase mental focus.
·Keeping a journal of day to day activities along with thoughts and Ideas I’d like to work on.
·Overhaul of finances and looking at spending to cut out needless waste to increase wealth.
·Reading self help books, articles or blogs and putting in place plans in how to utilize the things learned.
·Focusing on hobbies that aren’t Game related such comedy and urban hiking to get more and more enjoyment out of life.

So I’d love to hear what anyone else has to say in terms of their own journey to become even better.

Let me know what you do and why you’re doing them.

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