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Silver Pyr8 Silver Pyr8 is offline
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Default Fake Boobs Have Ruined Me - 19-08-2010, 11:48 PM

I have had a regular fuck buddy, well a bit more than that, for like a month now. Last night we had a talk over Facebook where she basically said that it was getting a bit too serious for her so we should calm it down. I'm unclear as to whether she means see each other less or not at all. I am going out with my mates on Saturday and she said that she would come for a drink if i wanted. I agreed so i have to prepare something to say for then. She knows that i don't want a GF so from my point of view there is no problem of it getting too serious. She says that she doesn't want a bf too but we get on really well so i wouldn't like it to just end.

I'm not going to text or anything until Saturday but i was planning on having a talk with her as i'm not thinking that we are going too fast, i had a reply planned for when she asked me to go out with her i was well shocked when she hit me with this lol. Now im thinking cant we just make it a weekly thing.
Before we were seeing each other 2-3 times a week. bit much for a fuck buddy i know but like i say we were a bit more than that as i get on really well with her and her flatmate.

To throw a spanner into the works she has just got some fake boobs. My mate and her flatmate think that because she has the new boobs she wants to flaunt them and get loads of attention off of guys. Shes a good looking girl and with these she will definitely get. I have had first play so i'm not bothered but how do i keep the friends with benefits thing going? I think going cold on her wouldn't work as shes attractive and therefore she would get over me not talking to her pretty quickly. What do you guys think i should do?
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