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remadyP&R remadyP&R is offline
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Default 31-07-2010, 05:50 PM

12th of July 2010

I've spent Saturday hanging out with James in the Pacha once again. Following the rule of the very first gaming as being judgmental for the venue I've put this place on my London's favorites. Thanks to my Friday's asian princess. But that club on Saturday was definitely a hard one. My favorite kind of approach which I used a day earlier wasn't so successful in there. Although I've opened a few sets and even hooked very well with one, I think that this kind w environment - minimal, electro music, scent of drugs in the air, etc. - requires very seductive, alpha male like kind of approach. In the end of the day I'm very satisfied with that Nightgame, as we did very well in that hard environment.

Sunday... sounds like strippers. It doesn't? You're right. We've decided a day earlier with James to try gaming table dancers for the very first time in our lives. Very good idea with a poor realization. The only sentence that comes to my mind when I'm about to the describe it is: "I think even strippers have days off". We've visited 2 venues with no results.

What happened after that one was really interesting. We went to Hoxton Square which surprisingly looks very similar to Bricklane and is quite close. After 2 bars and a couple of minutes walking and jerking off our minds I have finally decided to get in charge in this one. I've already decided to move to the West End in a moment but first I wanted to crash'n'burn any set. Totally opposite result with very low-quality set finally gave us a boost of energy. On our further way to the West End, a few hundred meters further I've opened very decent lady sitting by herself in front of cafe... wave, smile, a lot of confidence in joining her table caused one of my better approaches with that one. Moments later her date joined us. We've spent with these guys about an hour.

In the West End James have opened an American 3-set of a step quality (the cutest one, the cute one and the not considerated one). Here there should be an applause for James which have opened very well and hooked in even better. I didn't even realized when the girls accepted his offer of a little tour. We were walking around the city for about 2 hours. I'm still quite charmed with California girl... the way she talks, her accent, facial expressions, body language - typical american... which is "casually seductive". At least for me is.
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