Thread: any help?
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aofelix aofelix is offline
Default 25-07-2010, 04:10 PM

ive been playing around with POF loads the past few days. its funny but i started messing about... might make a new account. anyway, i've learnt firstly don't send stupid messages like "hey, you're cute x". I got lazy, thought I'd send that for fun and it gets hardly any replies. to be honest, complimenting all round is useless. i also got opened by a few hot blondes saying "wow" or something but they just fizzled out. i struggled to get them to really open up past superficial shit so fucked it up.

my highest reply rate comes when i'm sarcastic about their profile. e.g. a girl sets loads of rules like OMG DON'T MSG ME WHAT IS MY NAME OR WHERE DO I LIVE... so i message them "hey, whats your name and where do you live? you're too honest x". in terms of profile, my old profile was a bunch of 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 5555555s. that got a few replies because girls would be smart arses (hot girls) and say "omg ive learnt so much about you". then i did a really serious profile which got a fair few responses (not enough though) but it was shitty because it showed a lack of any personality.

i actually wouldn't mind some tips on my profile if anyones experienced with internet dating. i honestly want to replace my facebook time (ABSOLUTE WASTE) with POF... so im basically POF online and my friends and girls I text.

if you'd like to see my profile i could link you?

Last edited by aofelix; 25-07-2010 at 04:13 PM.
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