Thread: bar staff
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bmb bmb is offline
Default 12-07-2010, 10:41 PM

Ok kool, thanks for them replys.

Basicly from that, i can either go indirect via getting into her social circle, or i can just go direct.

I was thinking of going direct at first, so im just going to go with my gut...I cant really be bothereed with getting to know all the guys behind the bar, because im pritty sure, going from how they interact with each other and their body language with each other, they are just ' work pals' ...

This is what i shall do the next time i see her (yes this may be abit weird, i just want to see if im doing anything right)

me: Hey Jess, How you been?
her: good, busy blah blah....
me: respond to what ever she says, try and make a joke...then ask for 'glass of water, as i dont really like drinking that much really, im soo boring arnt i.'
*she gets me the water*
are you a party drinking gal? *facial expression to make more intense and interested*
her respons....and then, i say 'listen i know your pritty busy, but you seem genuinly like a nice gal, going from the very brief chats we'v had,and your body language and im usualy a good judge of characture, so do you have a break comming up?
her: yes or no....
if yes, i meet her and have good chat wiv kino ect, get number/ facebook
if no i get facebook, as i think she will be more willing to give this than her number as she dont really know me..maybe go for number, depending on how she responds throught out the interaction...

Has anyone got any ideas of how i could build report with her really quickly...this i think, is a thing im going to work on, fast report building, and alot of the time, girls are busy...but ye, any ideas guys, and good and bad critisisum welcome (:
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