Thread: Newbieblue
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archieblue archieblue is offline
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Smile Newbieblue - 18-04-2009, 11:27 PM

Name: Archieblue
Age: 39 (not for long)
Location: Surrey-Hampshire-Berkshire Borders
Occupation: Transport Industry
PUA Experience: 0

To understand where i'm at, i should explain how i got here. I was in a relationship from age of 14/15 to about just over 3 years ago. Mortgage, Marriage, Kids the works, but that all went to s**t and i suddenly found myself alone in my mid to late 30s (with two little pieces of baggage every other weekend) having very little experience in dating.

Since the split (I am fully divorced now) i have stumbled along dated a couple of single mums i got to meet either thro my kids or thro friends, and a couple of one niters. I've spent the last 3 years very needy and basically pinning for a relationship. When one did come along it was with a big female player, a Black Widow as one of her ex's described her, much to her bemusement but i can understand why. She played me ruthlessly but i was strong enough not to completely trapped by her (just).
Still trying to get over her and i suppose i've fallen into the oneitis category which i need to get away from.

I dont feel i am a stranger to women attention, im always being told i look about 5 years younger than i am and i get smiles off ladys all time, trouble is i dont have any bottle to approach them or when i do (which i have been forcing myself to do recently) i clam up around them through nerves.

A friend of mine suggested i read Neil Stauss' book The Game, which i am three quarters of the way through now and yes it has changed my outlook and guided me to research as much as i can hence my finding your excellent forum.
Its made me realise i need to change my life a lot more as i feel i have been controlled by women through my shyness which hasnt done me any good cause all they have done is play me like a musical instrument.
I feel it is time i turned the tables and grabbed hold of things for myself now. I do like beautiful women (dont we all) and a few i have had the guts to approach recently have given me such a lift just by a five minute conversation i have had with them. So this is inspiring me to move forward and get to know more.

When it comes to women I always describe myself as a 16 year old in a 39 year olds body so i need to learn more, and also i want to widen my circle of friends because a lot of the blokes i hang with are either married, in relationships or or just miserable and i feel bring me down with their moaning, i love meeting people & new experiences & want more.

So basically, i want to learn, make new friends (not just women) i can travel easily anywhere in country really as i get freebie railtravel (work, kids committments dependant) so i shall read, ask & learn off you guys and hopefully make new freinds and have some fun in the process.

Cheers Guys

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