Thread: Hello all
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Sonandheir Sonandheir is offline
Junior Member
Default Hello all - 23-06-2010, 08:26 PM

Name: Gareth
Age: 24
Location: Dover
PUA Experience:

I read 'the game' at the end of last year and since then i did the chode's thing of reading as much as i could,
DeAngelo, Mystery Method, Gambler's book, Wayne Elise, Gunwitch, some NLP stuff, you know, in the foolish hope that
having all the info would provide all the answers. I did go out and approach but never really got anywhere, pointing out that perhaps i had underlying problems that needed sorting first.

I recently came across the Blueprint Decoded, and was totally blown away. I can't recommend that product enough. It's
like all my Chode ways were diagnosed. I got answers to questions i wasnt even expecting to get answered, ever.
I kind of know where im headed now.

I want to be better with girls yes, but I am looking to improve the person i am along the way. Hopefully i can get some good pointers
from here, and meet up with like minded people at some point.

Nice to meet you all

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